Every year we gladly accept this challenging workout in honor of so many people lost 16 years ago. Today we don’t just do the workout to benefit ourselves. We will remember to pay tribute to the Civilians, Police, and Firefighters whose lives were taken from us too soon. There will be no strength in today’s workout as we want everyone to finish this workout. Thank you to all of our members and their families whom have served our military. (Despite the competition this weekend we still deemed it necessary to pay tribute and do this workout)
Warm-Up: 5 mins
50′ Bear Crawl25′ Inch Worm15 Goblet Squats w/ PauseHamstring Stretch 1 min / leg
Metcon: 40 Min Cap Scale as needed to finish
9-11 Tribute Workout
2001m Run (1.25 miles)
11 Box Jumps 30/24
11 Thursters 125/85
11 Burpee Chest to Bar Pull Ups
11 Power Cleans 170/120
11 Handstand Push Ups
11 Kettlebell Swings 70/53
11 V-ups
11 Deadlifts 170/120
11 Push Jerks 110/75
2001 M Run (1.25 miles)
Elite Competition Class
1) Snatch 15 Mins
10 min EMOM x 1 reps @ 90% + 10 lbs
Squat Snatch
“Always Remembered”
For Time:
2001 Meter Row “Buy-In”
4 rounds:
9 Rope Climbs (1 Rd) 9 Strict Pull Ups (3 Rds)
11 Bear Complexes (135/95)
2977 Meter Row “Cash-Out”