Freedom WOD Classes Warm Up: 8 Mins 4:00 LAX Roll – Scap Or Glutes 1:00 PVC ROM 20 Alt Lunges 30 Air Squats Strength: 13 Mins 5 Mins to warm up to working weight 8 Min EMOM Min 1: 4 Back Squats @75-80% Min 2: 8-12 HSPU as hard as possible – stay unbroken to
Read MoreFreedom WOD Classes Warm Up: 8 mins 4 Round Air Squat Tabata :20/:10 1:00 Hip & Ankle Opener 10 Wall Glides 10 Cuban Rotations 10 Snatch High pulls 10 Power Snatch 10 OH Squats Strength: 15 Mins 5 Min warm up to working weights 10 Min EMOM 4 Rounds: 1 Squat Clean + Split Jerk
Read MoreFreedom WOD Classes Warm Up 8 Mins 1:30 / Side LAX Roll Rotator Cuff or Trap 12 / Side Kb Bottoms Up Press 5 Spealler Rolls 10 / Side Single Leg Hip Bridge 5 Jefferson Curls 10 Deadlifts Skills Practice: 20 mins 20 Minutes to practice any that you might see in the open Coaches
Read MoreYou better be practicing your karaoke song for after the last open workout on 3/14! The people deserve a show! Freedom WOD Classes Warm Up: 10 Mins 10 Min Hip Opener Flow – Video *Coaches can follow along to the video or come up with similar flow Conditioning: 14 mins 4 x 500 M Row
Read MoreFreedom WOD Classes Warm Up: 8 Mins 5:00 LAX Roll – Scap / Trap / Rotator Cuff 1:00 Shuttle Run 10 Muscle Snatch 10 Power Snatch 16 Alt. Back Rack Lunges Strength: 13 Mins 5 Mins to warm up to working weight 8 Min EMOM Min 1: 14 Back Rack Lunges Or Overhead Lunges Min
Read MoreYou must be a resident and have a local address in Fort Collins. Offer valid for new members only! Parent or guardian must be present to sign waiver for anyone under the age of 18 years of age. Can note be combined with any other offers or discounts.