Have you RSVP’d to the Halloween Anniverssary Party yet? No? Do it!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 8 Mins
200 M Run
10 Push Ups
5 KB Jefferson Curls
5 x 5 Scaled Wall Walk – hold top position for 5 seconds
200 M Run (faster pace)
Conditioning: 16 Min Cap
8 Min Row / Bike
0:00-2:00 70%
2:00-4:00 80%
4:00-6:00 90%
6:00-8:00 80%
Then 3 Rounds: For Quality, not time
12-15 / Side DB Plank Press
15 / Side – Side Plank Hip Lift
Retest 8/28
Metcon: 18 Min Cap
“Fastest Kid Alive”
For Time:
800 M Run
50′ HS Walk OR 5 Wall Walks
30 Slam Balls #25 or less
50′ HS Walk OR 5 Wall Walks
800 M Run
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Wednesday: Legs
1) 4×25
Back Squats
2) 4×12-15
Single Leg Ext
3) 4×12-15
Single Leg Curls
4) 4×12-15
Single Leg: Leg Press
5) 4×12-15
Smith Machine Hack Squats
6) 1×150
Walking Lunges (if you want to add weight proceed via back rack)
7) 4×25
Standing Calf Raises
8) 4×25
Seated Calf Raises
Olympic Lifting
Warm Up: 8 Mins
1:30 / Side LAX Roll Glutes
10 Front Squats
10 Hang High Pulls
10 Hang Power Snatch
10 Hang Squat Snatch
Technique: 22 Mins
3 x 8 Snatch Hip Scoop From Blocks – Barbell
3 x 8 Hang Snatch High Pulls – Mod-Heavy
3 x 5 Hang Squat Snatch – Build to 75%
Auxillary Strength: 14 Mins
3 x Superset
5 Overhead Squats w/ 2 sec pause in bottom
5 Nordic Curls
CSU Hockey
Warm Up: 5 Mins
Pizza Game
Stick Game
Conditioning: 16 Min Cap
8 Min Row / Bike
0:00-2:00 70% 2:30
2:00-4:00 80% 2:20
4:00-6:00 90% 2:10
6:00-8:00 80% 2:20
Then 3 Rounds: For Quality, not time
12-15 / Side DB Plank Press
15 / Side – Side Plank Hip Lift
Metcon: 12 Min Cap
100 Back Squats
EMOM Perform 3 Burpee Box Jumps