Took this picture in Austin with “Happy Birthday” for Maggie’s 17th Birthday Workout!
Reminder that we have roughly 20 teams competing this Saturday at Project Uplift. Because of this, we will be shutting down our Saturday classes. Heats will be posted on Facebook soon
Warm Up: 5 Mins
Partner Medball Warm-Up
Mobility: 5 Mins
2 x 10 Banded Reverse Flies.
LAX Ball Roll Posterior Shoulder
Olympic Technique and Repetition: Jerk – 13 Mins
4-5 Mins of Coach Led Barpath- 2 sec pause in Split Catch
8 Mins to complete
3 x 5 Split Jerks @ 60-70% w/ 2 sec pause in Split. Increase load each set if possible
Metcon: 20 Min Cap
Maggie’s 17th (late) Birthday Workout! August 30th
4 Rounds For Time:
17 Wallballs (20/14)
8 Cleans (135/95)
30 Air Squats
Elite Competition Class
1) Front Squat 15 Mins
10 Min EMOM x 2 Rep @ 80% +10 lbs
2) Clean and Jerks 15 Mins
10 min EMOM x 2 reps + 1 Jerk @ 80% +10 lbs
Hang Squat Clean and Jerk
3) Conditioning
20 M DB/KB Front Rack Walking Lunges 53/35
20 GHD Sit Ups
20 M DB/KB Front Rack Walking Lunges 53/35
20 Toes to Bar
20 M DB/KB Front Rack Walking Lunges 53/35
20 Burpees
20 M DB/KB Front Rack Walking Lunges 53/35
20 V-Ups