Saturday is fast approaching… Get your friends ready for FREE YOGA and a FREE WOD! Then starting at 12:00pm CFDNR will throw down in our second annual in-house competition!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up:
Med Ball Warm Up
Gymnastic WOD:
3 Rounds not for time but have 15 mins to complete
5 KB Turkish Get up
7 Russian KB Swing into Goblet Squat
9 Single Leg KB Deadlift (each leg)
“C2 Week”
10 Min EMOM
8 Toe-2-Bar
5 Rounds
3 Dead Lift 155/105
6 Dips
9 Air Squats
One Min Rest
Elite Competition Class
1. Gymnastics Benchmark
max set up unbroken Ring Muscle ups
2. Strength
5×5 Thruster, climbing with unlimited rest – no rack.
3. Conditioning
TEAMS of 2: Relay style
21-18-15-12-9: Thrusters (95/65)
40 Doubles
200m Row