Freedom WOD Classes
5×1 – Snatch High Pull + Tall Snatch.
Snatch High Pull – Bring bar to chest level.
Tall Snatch – With locked out hips and knees, shrug and drop into squat.
This is a technique primer. Light weights, fast movement.
Cal Row
GHD Sit Ups
Burpee Wall Balls 20/14
Double Unders
Elite Competition Class
1. Barbell Conditioning
with a running clock…
A. at the 0:00 complete 15 Unbroken Clean and Jerks
B. at the 7:00 complete 12 Unbroken Clean and Jerks
C. at the 14:00 complete 9 Unbroken Clean and Jerks
2. Strength
5×5 Pausing Overhead Thrusters, climbing up in weight each set. Must pause for 2 full seconds at the top of every rep.
3. Gymnastics Conditioning
EMOMx10: 10 Barbell Facing Burpees for time
4. Conditioning
5x300m Row, 1 min rest