Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up:
“B Week”
Accessory Gymnastic WOD
5 Rounds (not for time but you only have 15 mins to complete)
5 Toe nail support Muscle Up progression (if you have MU then 1-5 as strict as possible)
10 Sec Hand Stand Hold (free standing, against wall or off of a box)
20 Dips
21-15-9 reps
Hand Stand Push Ups
KB Swings 53/35
Double Unders
20 Dips
Elite Competition Class
1. Clean
5 sets of: 1 squat Clean + 2 Front Squats, climbing
2. Jerk
5 sets of: 2 Front Squats + 1 Split Jerk
3. Gymnastics Conditioning
If your best set of unbroken Muscle ups is over 20 complete: 2 sets of 15+ unbroken with unlimited rest
If your best set of unbroken Muscle ups is between 15-20 reps complete: 3 sets of 10 unbroken with unlimited rest
If your best set of unbroken Muscle ups is between 10-14 reps complete: 4 sets of 7 unbroken with unlimited rest
If your best set of unbroken Muscle ups is under 10 reps complete: 5 sets of 5 unbroken with unlimited rest
4. Conditioning
30 Power Snatches, 75/55
45 Bar Facing Burpees
60 Thrusters, 75/55
45 Bar Facing Burpees
30 Power Snatches, 75/55