Each team that competes gets to raise money to help find ways to punch breast cancer in the face. Help these ladies raise money as they head into the Girls Gone Rx competition!
Warm Up: 5 Mins
2 Rounds or 5 Mins
10 Unloaded Barbell Olympic DL
5 Front Squats
5 Bar Over Burpees
Mobility: During Strength
Roll Traps + Banded Y’s & I’s
Strength: 25 Mins
Olympic DL (Clean or Snatch Grip) – 10 Mins
4 x 6-8
Cleans – 12 Mins
4-5 Mins of Coach Led Barpath- 2 sec pause at liftoff, and 2 sec pause in Squat Catch
8 Mins of Clean Repetition @ 50-60% w/ Same Pauses
Metcon: 16 Min Cap – Clean Complex
4 Rounds x 3 reps of the following Complex for load:
1 Rep = 1 Oly. DL + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Hang Sq. Clean + 1 Full Clean + 1 Front Squat
*Do not set the bar down until after 3 consecutive reps and a full round has been completed.
Rest as needed between rounds and increase weight each round.
Elite Competition Class
1) Deadlift 15 mins
10 min EMOM x 3 rep @ 70% + 5lbs
2) Gymnastics 10 mins
4 Min EMOM
2 Min Rest
4 Min EMOM
*Pick a number that is doable but will be difficult to finish the final rounds.
3) Conditioning: For Time:
100 Yard Sled Push 5x45s/3×45’s (50 down/50 back)
80 Wall Balls 20/14
60 KBS 53/35
40 Pull Ups
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20