Jaelyn Coates’s fitness is bold and powerful.
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 8 mins
3 Rounds
5 Man Makers
8 Single Leg Broad Jump
Strength: 15 mins
15 Min to establish a 1RM
Strict Press
Metcon: 20 Min
5 Rounds
3 Push Press 135/95
6 Burpees
9 Box Jumps 24/20
1 Min Rest
Elite Competition Class
1) Cleans 15 Mins
1 Rep Max
2) Front Squats 20 mins
8×4 Across
3) Conditioning
Complete 150 Calories for time:
Minute 1:
Air Dyne/Row – Max Calories
Minute 2:
3 Power Clean
8 Ring Dips
*You have one minute to achieve max calories on the air dyne/rower, then one minute to complete 3 Power Cleans and 8 Ring Dips. Continue alternating minutes until 150 calories have been achieved.
**For Power Clean, use 80% of 1 RM.