Thank You Saffron Scoops N Bites for Hosting Our Last Stop Of This Years Donut Tread On Me 4th Of July Ruck!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 10 Mins
12/9 Cal Bike
10 Clean DL
10 Hang High Pulls
10 Hang Power Clean
10 Front Squats
Strength: 20 Mins
Squat Clean
10 Mins to warm up to 80% + 5lbs
Every 2 Min x 10 Mins
2 reps @ 80% + 5lbs
Metcon: 14 Min Cap
Teams of Two
14 Min AMRAP
12/9 Calorie Assault Bike / Row only as if all bikes are taken
10 Russian KB Swings 53/35
8 Burpee
You Go I Go. Only One Person works at a time. You must complete a full round before switching.
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Wednesday: Legs
1) Heavy Back Squat 5×5 pyramiding
2)Super Set 4×8-12 pyramiding
Narrow Stance Front Squat
RDL 3 Sec Eccentric Phase (light weight)
3)Super Set 3×8-12
Leg Curl (Finish with a 4 set of single leg Max Effort drop set)
Leg Extensions (Finish with a 4 set of single leg ME drop set)
5)Single Leg Hip Press 4×8-12
6)Close Stance Hack Squats 21’s
7 half to bottom reps
7 half to top reps
7 full range reps
7)Finisher 3sets
50’ Weighted Back Rack Walking Lunges
Olympic Lifting
Warm Up:
5 Mins to get to 50% Clean & Jerk
20 Min EMOM:
1 Power Clean + Front Squat + Split Jerk (2 sec pause in split)
Then 10:00-20:00
1 Squat Clean + Jerk AHAP
Accessory Strength
3 x Superset
5 Strict Press @75-80%
12-15 Weighted Glute Bridge