24/7 access included in membership

July 11, 2024 by DNRadmin


CrossFit DNR 24 hour access best gym in Fort Collins Voted Best of NoCo 5 years running


We are live with our 24/7 access! Please talk with Kody or Kyle to get set up!

Freedom WOD Classes

Warm Up: 5 Mins
10 Inchworms w/push ups
10 RDL
10 Push Ups
10 Deadlifts
10 Dips

Strength: 20 Mins
10 Mins to warm up to 80% + 5lbs
Every 2 Min x 10 Mins
2 reps @ 80% + 5lbs

**Warm up your chest on the down time between DL reps**

Metcon: 20 Min Cap
100 Dips
80 Cal Row
60 Deadlifts 95/65
40 GHD Sit Ups  / V-Ups – Tuck Ups or Sit Ups
200 m Single Arm KB Farmer Carry 53/35 (switch hands at the 100m)

Extra Credit:
4 Min EMOM
2 Min Rest
4 Min EMOM

*Pick a number that is doable but will be difficult to finish the final rounds. 

Functional Bodybuilding Class

Thursday: Shoulders:
1)Seated Alternating DB Shoulder Press 5×5

2)Giant Set: 3×8-12
DB Bent Over Rear Raises
DB Lateral Raises
DB Front Raise

3)Super Set: 4×8-12
Seated DB Shoulder Press
Seated DB Lateral Raises

4)Giant Set: 3×8-12
Cable Single Arm Lateral Raises
Cable Single Arm Front Raise
Cable Single Arm Rear Extension

5)Giant Set: 3×8-12
Car Drivers
Up Right Rows
Cable High Row (face pulls w/rope or individual handles)

6)Super Set: 4×8-12
Seated DB Arnold Press
Seated DB Bent Over Rear Raises

7)Finisher: 1xME Drop Set
Front DB Raises
Later DB Raises


Warm Up 5 Mins
Warm Up: 10 Mins
2 Rounds
50′ shuttle jog down and back
8 Air Squats
50′ shuttle jog down and back
8 Lunges
50′ shuttle jog down and back
8 Wallballs

Strength: 15 mins 
3 Rounds Tabata 30/30
Curtsy Lunge + Squat video
Standing Banded Kickback video
Banded Glute Bridge video

Metcon: 13 Min Cap
5 Sets (1 set every 2:30)
8x50ft Shuttle Runs 
12 Wallballs

* Each shuttle run rep = 25ft down, 25ft back (50ft total)



    2716 S. College Ave Suite B Fort Collins, CO, 80525

    (970) 213-3974


    Terms and Conditions for trial week

    You must be a resident and have a local address in Fort Collins. Offer valid for new members only! Parent or guardian must be present to sign waiver for anyone under the age of 18 years of age. Can note be combined with any other offers or discounts. 

      Still Have A Question?

      We Respond Fast! If we don't respond to your message in 15 minutes, WE OWE YOU 15 BURPEES!