We are live with our 24/7 access! Please talk with Kody or Kyle to get set up!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 5 Mins
10 Inchworms w/push ups
10 RDL
10 Push Ups
10 Deadlifts
10 Dips
Strength: 20 Mins
10 Mins to warm up to 80% + 5lbs
Every 2 Min x 10 Mins
2 reps @ 80% + 5lbs
**Warm up your chest on the down time between DL reps**
Metcon: 20 Min Cap
100 Dips
80 Cal Row
60 Deadlifts 95/65
40 GHD Sit Ups / V-Ups – Tuck Ups or Sit Ups
200 m Single Arm KB Farmer Carry 53/35 (switch hands at the 100m)
Extra Credit:
4 Min EMOM
2 Min Rest
4 Min EMOM
*Pick a number that is doable but will be difficult to finish the final rounds.
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Thursday: Shoulders:
1)Seated Alternating DB Shoulder Press 5×5
2)Giant Set: 3×8-12
DB Bent Over Rear Raises
DB Lateral Raises
DB Front Raise
3)Super Set: 4×8-12
Seated DB Shoulder Press
Seated DB Lateral Raises
4)Giant Set: 3×8-12
Cable Single Arm Lateral Raises
Cable Single Arm Front Raise
Cable Single Arm Rear Extension
5)Giant Set: 3×8-12
Car Drivers
Up Right Rows
Cable High Row (face pulls w/rope or individual handles)
6)Super Set: 4×8-12
Seated DB Arnold Press
Seated DB Bent Over Rear Raises
7)Finisher: 1xME Drop Set
Front DB Raises
Later DB Raises
Warm Up 5 Mins
Warm Up: 10 Mins
2 Rounds
50′ shuttle jog down and back
8 Air Squats
50′ shuttle jog down and back
8 Lunges
50′ shuttle jog down and back
8 Wallballs
Strength: 15 mins
3 Rounds Tabata 30/30
Curtsy Lunge + Squat video
Standing Banded Kickback video
Banded Glute Bridge video
Metcon: 13 Min Cap
5 Sets (1 set every 2:30)
8x50ft Shuttle Runs
12 Wallballs
* Each shuttle run rep = 25ft down, 25ft back (50ft total)