“Light Weight Baby! OHHH….. Gonna Get Huge, Aint Nothing But A Peanut! Whoo..”
Warm Up 10 min
2 Rounds
200 M Run w/MB
10 MB DL
10 Burpee over MB
Mobility: 5 mins
Banded Ham/Hips
Strength: 15 Mins
3×8 Giant Set
KB/DB Single Arm Bent Over Row
DB Tricep Kick Backs
Lat Press Down (use band and pvc)
Metcon: 16 mins
5 rounds w/ 16 Min Cap
8 Bar-facing Burpees
8 Deadlifts RX225/155 Scaled185/125
8 T-2-B
Elite Comp Class:
1.Gymnastics 15 mins
3 Supersets
Strict Ring Dip – (90+1 rep / 80+1 rep / 70+1 rep)
Hand Stand Hold – As many sets needed to accumulate %s – (95/85/75)
3 Min Rest
2) Deadlift 20 mins
6 Rep Max
6 Reps @ 80% 6 RM
6 Reps @ 75% 6 RM
3) Conditioning
Complete 5 rounds:
30 seconds ME Deadlift @ 6 RM
Rest 60 seconds
30 seconds ME Bench Press @ Body Weight or 75% of 2 RM
Rest 60 seconds
30 seconds to Sprint 100 meters 50down/50back
Rest 60 seconds