A big Thank you to Mike and the Ascent Protein Team for coming out to sharing there awesome product, knowledge and even joining in on the WOD! If you didn’t get a chance to sample the protein, let Kyle or Kody know and they will get you a sample (while supplies last).
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up:
Week Two: Over Loading
Sq Snatch 80-85% + 10lbs of 1RM
5 x 3
Tabata 20/10 Rotating for 8 mins
Ring Dips
Power Snatch 75/55
Elite Competition Class
1. Conditioning
3 RFT:
400m Run
12 Deads, 275/185
21 Box Jumps, 24/20
2. Conditioning
42-30-18 reps for time of:
Hip Extensions
Calorie Row
KidFit Class
3X: 5 Superman Holds(3 Secs) > Bear Crawl > 5 Tuck Jumps > 5 Burpees > Lunges
EMOM for 2 mins
10 ring rows 30 seconds
10 squats 30 seconds
10 push ups 30 seconds
10 sit ups 30 seconds
GAME: Pizza Boy
Pull ups, monkey hangs, while one group is working on this the other part will learn what mountain climbers are
2 rounds
40 Jump Ropes
20 Sec Plank Hold
40 Mountain Climbers
20 Sec Plank Hold
40 Squats
20 Sec Plank Holds
Row 250m
Plank, Front Squat.
10 min AMRAP
3 burpees
10 m Bear Crawl
3 Front Squats
10 m Bear Crawl