We would love to introduce you to the newest CFDNR Coach, Emma Cantrill! She will be shadowing a few of the coaches over the next couple of weeks and will be taking over her own classes soon!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 10 Mins
500 M Row
5 Clean Lift Off
5 Clean Power Pulls
5 Clean High Pulls
5 Squat Clean
5 Front Squats
Strength: 20 Mins
Squat Cleans
Metcon: 14 Min Cap
Complete 150 Calories for time:
Minute 1:
Row – Max Calories
Minute 2:
Power Clean – 3 Reps
Ring Dips – 8 Handstand Push Ups
*You have one minute to achieve max calories Row, then one minute to complete 3 Power Cleans and 8 HSPU. Continue alternating minutes until 150 calories have been achieved.
**For Power Clean, use 70% of 1 RM.
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Wednesday: Legs
1) 4×25
Back Squats
2) 4×12-15
Single Leg Ext
3) 4×12-15
Single Leg Curls
4) 4×12-15
Single Leg: Leg Press
5) 4×12-15
Smith Machine Hack Squats
6) 1×150
Walking Lunges (if you want to add weight proceed via back rack)
7) 4×25
Standing Calf Raises
8) 4×25
Seated Calf Raises
3) Conditioning
Complete 150 Calories for time:
Minute 1:
Air Dyne/Row – Max Calories
Minute 2:
Power Clean – 3 Reps
Ring Dips – 8 Reps
*You have one minute to achieve max calories on the air dyne, then one minute to complete 3 Power Cleans and 8 Ring Rows. Continue alternating minutes until 150 calories have been achieved.
**For Power Clean, use 80% of 1 RM.
Olympic Lifting
Strength: 20 Mins
3 x 5 Power Snatch 50-60% Technique
Every 2:00 x 5 Rounds:
Complete 1 complex of: 1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat + 1 Squat Snatch
Drills: 20 Mins
3 x 8 Pressing Snatch Balance
3 x 8 Hang Power Snatch – Tempo to hip pock and explode
3 x 8 Hang Squat Snatch – Same Tempo