If you are looking for something fun to do, click the link below and buy tickets to Dude Dads Comedy show tonight in Greeley!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 10 Mins
Walking Samson Stretch down and back
10 Kipping Swings
10 Strict Press
15 Banded Pull Aparts
10 Push Press
15 Banded Pass Throughs
10 Jerks
10 Pull Ups
Strength: 20 Mins
10 Min to warm up to 80%
10 min EMOM x 1 Jerk Drive video + 1 Jerk
Metcon: 12 Min Cap
4 Rounds
Complete 1 Round On the 3 Minutes:
3 Back Squats 315/225 Scaled 225/155 or 155/110
4 Bar MU or 8 C-2-B Pull Ups
15 Wall Balls 30/24 Scaled 20/14
*Muscle Ups can be banded or jumping if needed.*
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Friday: Arms Bicep/Tricep (Optional Day)
1)Century Set
100 Cable Bicep Curls (rest/pause)
2)Century Set
100 Cable Tricep Curls (rest/pause)
3) 4×8-12 Super Set
Incline DB Curls
Rope Tricep Ext
4) 4×8-12 Super Set
Reverse Curl
Incline Skull Crushers
5) 4×8-12 Super Set
Incline Seated DB Hammer Curl
Tricep Kick Backs
6) 4×8-12 Super Set
Close Grip Straight Bar Curl
Single Arm Reverse Cable Ext
7) 4×8-12 Super Set
Alternating DB Curls
Straight Bar Cable Ext
8) 3xME
Incline Bench Preacher EZ bar Curl