2016 Open Athletes! 16.1 has been released and is going to be a long one! You can see the workout and all of the standards at http://games.crossfit.com/workouts/the-open.
MindBody Online is live with heat times for Saturday night’s first Open workout! Go online to reserve your heat time! We are going to be starting earlier since it’s a 20min workout and we can only have 5 athletes going at one time. We will start heats at 2:00pm.
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up:
Quad and calf smash
4 Round Vs.
Box Jumps/Step Ups 24/20
100 M Single Arm KB Farmer Carry (53/35)
1 Athlete accumulates as many Box jumps as possible while the other walks 100 Meters. 1 Round is complete after both athletes have performed Box Jumps and 100 M Farmer Carry.
Elite Competition Class
1. Snatch
3×2 TnG Squat Snatch
2. Conditioning
3 Rds:
10 C2B PU
10 Front Squats, 165/115
10 Burpees
Directly into…
KBS, 2/1.5-pood
3. Gymnastics Conditioning
10 sets of 2 unbroken muscle ups