Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 12 Mins
Warm Up: 6 mins
4 x High Knees (down = 1 / back = 2)
30 Sec Dead bugs
30 Sec Sit Ups
30 Sec Russian Twist w/ or w/out weight
5 Speal Roll
Mobility: 6 mins
90 Seconds /side Pigeon Stretch
90 Seconds /side Couch Stretch
Strength: 8 Mins
Tabata 20/10 (4 rounds = 8 min)
Star Fish Crunch
Black Widow Knee Slides aka Mountain Climber with a lift
Straight Leg Hip Lift Corkscrew video
Dragon Flag or Anchor Point T-2-B
Metcon: 18 min
Team Of 3
EMOM 18 min?
Athlete 1: Max Effort Sit Ups
Athlete 2: 6/4 Cal Bike & 6 Devils Press 50/35
Athlete 3: Rest
Each athlete will start at a different station. All athletes will rotate stations on the minute.
Score is the number of total sit ups the team complete
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Choose ONE from…
1) Weighted Vest Uphill Walk
2) Bike x 15 Minutes / Row x Minutes / Ski or Walk Uphill x Minutes
3) Bike x 10 Minutes, then w/ remaining 5 minutes perform AMRAP 20 Light Russian KB Swings / 20 Ab-mat Sit-Ups
4) Step Machine or Elliptical for x 10 Minutes, then in remaining 5 minutes EMOM 6-10 Burpees each min