New to the arsenal of recovery! You will see these bad boys for sale at the gym to go along with your FitAid and Progenex to help fuel your recovery..
Freedom WOD Classes
2 min shoulder drills
Warm Up:
EMOM for 5 mins
8 Kipping Pull Ups beginner/intermediate
12 Kipping Pull Ups intermediate/advanced
Front Squats:
6×2 @ 70%
4 rounds, you only have 3 mins for each round
21 KB swings 53/35
15 Burpees
9 DeadLift 115/75
You have 3 mins to get thru the round, if you finish at 2 min then you get 1 min rest. If you don’t finish all reps in 3 min for round you reset and start new round.
Elite Competition Class
Rest Day