Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 12 Mins
2 mins casual Row, Ski or Bike
10 Mountain Climbers
10 Bicycle Crunches
10 Sit Ups
2 mins /side Roll out Quads and Hips
Strength: 10 Mins
Core Strength
4 Rounds
30 Sec Penguins aka Heel Taps
30 Sec Plank Crunches (video) or Plank Hold
30 Sec Glute Bridge Reverse Crunch
30 Sec Rest
Metcon: 25 min cap
50-40-30-20-10 Reps For Time
Cal Row, Ski or Bike
Sit Ups
Note: This Workout is designed as a Row or Ski workout. Bike should only be used if needed.
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Session 1: Steady State Effort averaging 120-130 BPM for 15 Minutes.
Choose ONE from…
1) Weighted Vest Uphill Walk
2) Bike x 15 Minutes / Row x Minutes / Ski or Walk Uphill x Minutes
3) Bike x 10 Minutes, then w/ remaining 5 minutes perform AMRAP 20 Light Russian KB Swings / 20 Ab-mat Sit-Ups
4) Step Machine or Elliptical for x 10 Minutes, then in remaining 5 minutes EMOM 6-10 Burpees each min
Session 2
-Leg Extensions
6 sets 50 reps, 60 reps, 70 reps, 80 reps, 100 reps
-Elevated Heel Narrow Stance Goblet Squat (heels in toes out)
2-3 Sets x 20 Reps
-Smith Machine Leg Press 3/4 reps aka don’t lock out at the top
2-3 Sets x 20 Reps
Super Set
2-3 Sets x 20 Reps
Elevated KB Sumo Squats (use to boxes with a gap between them for your KB to travel through)
Split Stance KB Deadlifts
Lying Leg Curls (toes pointed away + Lifting chest off pad
3-4 Sets x 20 Reps
Walking Lunges w/ or w/out weight
3 sets of 30 total Steps
Optional replacement for Lunges:
A Weighted Box Step Ups
3 Sets x 30 total steps