Freedom WOD Classes
Invisible Fran
5 min EMOM
Strict Press at 80% of 1RM x 3 reps
75% x 3
80% x 3
10 Min AMRAP climbing in increments of 5 until time expires
5 Kb Swings 53/35
5 Box Jumps 24/20
10 Kb Swings
10 Box Jumps
15 Kb swings
15 Box Jumps
20 Kb Swings
20 Box Jumps
Elite Competition Class
1. Snatch
A. OHS, quickly work up to a heavy single
B. Snatch Balance, quickly work up to a heavy single
C. Hang Squat Snatch, quickly work up to a heavy single
2. Conditioning
For time:
1,000m Row
10 Snatches, 155/105
10 Muscle ups
500m Row
5 Snatches, 155/105
5 Muscle ups