Welcome back to the party Coach Tyler! Home boy will be making a coaching appearance today at 12:00.
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 10 Mins
2 Rounds:
10/Side Fire Hydrants
15 Banded Glute Bridges
15 / Side Lateral Monster Walks
Down & Back Duck Walks
Down & Back Samson Stretch
Strength: 15 Mins
Back Squat
10 Min EMOM
0:00-3:00 (4 rounds) = 5 reps
4:00-6:00 (3 rounds) = 3 reps
7:00-9:00 (3 rounds) = 1 rep
*Start at 50% of your 1RM and add weight every round or two. Finish around 88-95%
Metcon: 16 Min Cap
5 Rounds For Time:
20 Shuttle Runs – N-S-N (every time you touch the wall = 1 rep)
40 Air Squats
*Modify your shuttle run count or air squat reps if you want to finish under cap. Otherwise, this could be an AMRAP for a lot of athletes.
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Choose ONE from…
1) 20 Mins on Step Machine
2) 20 Mins on Elliptical
3) 20 Mins on Bike