We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving with loved ones!
Be safe out there in the snow.
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: Strength: 18 Mins
2:00 Row
“Warm Up” Set:
8-10 Power Clean + Split Jerk ~50%
3-2-1 Clean & Jerk – Finish around 90-95%
Metcon: 20 Mins
20 Min EMOM
Min 1: Sled Push (Down and Back West – East – West)
Min 2: 5 Deadlifts + 5 Power Cleans + 5 Jerks 115/75
Min 3: 15 HSPU
Min 4: 16/13 Cal Row
Min 5: Rest
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Leg Day
Walking Lunges Warm Up
1 Set / 50 Steps Total
Smith Machine Hack Squat Ascend & Descend +2 – 2
1 Set / 20 Reps ++ – –
Example: Feet in a narrow stance. start with 45lbs on each side for 20 reps, then add 35’s to each side for 20 reps then add 25’s to each side for 20 reps, then pull off 25’s and get as many reps as you can then pull off 35’s and get as many reps as you can. Good luck this is going to hurt!
Lying Leg Curl Ascend & Descend +4 -4
1 Set / 10 Reps ++++ – – – –
Example: 35lbs for 10 reps, then add 10lbs for 10 more reps, then add 10lbs for 10 more reps, then 10lbs for 10 more reps, then take a 10lb off and get as many reps as you can, take off another 10lbs and get what you can and finally take off another 10lbs and get what you can.
Sumo Deadlift Ascend & Descend +3 – 3
1 Set / 10 Reps +++ – – –
Ok you get the idea. Pick and weight you can get for 10 reps and keep adding weight for another 10 reps just like what you have been doing. And if it feels like its suck and you can’t do it…. Then you’re doing a great job. If it’s easy then quiet being a bag if shit and challenge yourself aka add some weight.
Laying Smith Machine Leg Press 3 Ways (Close, V, Wide)
2 Sets / (30, 30, 30)
Feet together for 30 reps, move your toes out but keep your heals touching for another 30 reps then, widen out your feet for another 30 reps. Do not lock out at the top keep the tension in the legs. Don’t let your butt move off the bench and find a slow-ish pace and try and get all 60 reps with little rest. Good Luck
Leg Extension “21’s” Partial Top, Full, Partial Bottom
2 Sets / (30, 30, 30)
Love at first sight. One of my favorite rep sets 30 partial reps at the top, 30 full ROM reps, then 30 partial reps at the bottom. Again slower than fast we are trying to stay in TUT (time under tension). Embrace the fact that you will back some really ugly faces and might shit yourself but hey your quads will look great!
Reverse Smith Lunge
2 Sets / 15 Reps Each
Standing Leg Curl
3 Sets / 20 Reps
Physic Ball Laying Leg Curls
3 sets x failure
Smith Machine Laying Calf Raise 3 Way (Toes Straight, Out, In)
3 Sets / (50, 50, 50)