Coach Kody will be running one class from 8-9 a.m tomorrow (Thanksgiving). Sign up on Mindbody then come in and break a sweat before the meat sweats!
Happy Thanksgiving Hooligans and thank you all for being a part of our amazing gym and community!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 14 Mins
2:00 Row
2 Rounds:
N-S-N Band Monster Walk
20 Band Glute Bridges
10/Side Fire Hydrants
10 Barbell Jefferson Curls
10 Cat Cows
Then 1:30 / Side Glute Roll
Metcon: 28 Min Cap
For Time:
10 Back Squats 225/155
20 Alt. DB Rack Step Ups 50/35
30 Wallballs 20/14
3:00 Rest
20 Back Squats 135/95
20 Alt. DB Rack Step Ups 50/35
30 Wallballs 20/14
3:00 Rest
30 Back Squats 95/65
20 Alt. DB Rack Step Ups 50/35
30 Wallballs 20/14
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Back Day
Seated Forward Leaning Lat Row
Seated Row
3 Sets / (20 / 20)
Seated Forward Leaning Lat Row: Lean forward with your shoulders over your quads and perform a v-bar low lat row
Seated row: lean forward to start the movement and lean back to perform the row keeping your shoulders in front of your hips.
Rope Lat Pulldown
2 Sets / 30 Reps
Performed like a face pull but as a lat pull down. As you pull down on the rope pull it apart as you get to your head/face getting your triceps parallel to the floor
V bar Lat Pulldown
4 Sets / 20 Reps
Incline High Elbow DB Row
3 Sets / 20 Reps
Laying face down on an incline bench perform a high elbow db row looks like a seal pull with high elbows
One Arm DB Row (2 Sec Hold Top & Bottom)
3 Sets / 15 Reps EACH
Seated Cable Rope Row Trap Shrug
3 Sets / 30 Reps
T Bar Rows (SLOW + 4 Drops)
2 Sets / 10++++
Reverse Hyper
3 Sets / 30 Reps
Can use a bench to perform movement or GHD pad