Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 10 Mins
250 m Row or Bike .6
Then 2 Rounds
10 Push Ups
10 Box Step Ups
10 Ring Rows
Strength: 18 Mins
Bench Press
Working up to your heaviest set of 5 reps aka 5 rep max
Metcon: 15 Min Cap
4 rounds
10 Box Jumps
10 Push Ups
2 Rounds
15 Box Jumps
15 Dip
1 Round
20 Box Jumps
20 Floor Press 135/95
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Week 1 Fucked From The Start:
Session 1: Steady State Effort averaging 120-130 BPM for 15 Minutes.
Choose ONE from…
1) Weighted Vest Uphill Walk
2) Bike x 15 Minutes / Row x Minutes / Ski or Walk Uphill x Minutes
3) Bike x 10 Minutes, then w/ remaining 5 minutes perform AMRAP 20 Light Russian KB Swings / 20 Ab-mat Sit-Ups
4) Step Machine or Elliptical for x 10 Minutes, then in remaining 5 minutes EMOM 6-10 Burpees each min
Session 2: 60 Mins
-Rope Extensions
2 sets x 100 reps
Rest pause to 100 reps (pick a weight you can get around 30 reps on the initial attempt)
-Super Set 2-3 Sets x 20 Reps
DB Incline Skull Crush
DB Seated French Press
-Super Set 2-3 Sets x 20 Reps
Cable French Press
Overhead Rope Extensions
-Close Grip Bench Press (slow)
3 sets to FAILURE (pick a weight you can get 20 reps with but you won’t)
-Straight Bar Cable Curls
2 sets x 100 Reps
-Super Set
2-3 Sets x 20 Reps
Preacher EZ Bar Curl (Close Grip)
EZ Bar Drag Curls (Wide Grip)
-Super Set
2-3 Sets x 20 Reps
Reverse Grip Cable Curl
Regular Grip Cable Curl
-Incline DB Curls (slow)
3 Sets to FAILURE (pick a weight you can get 20 reps with but you won’t)
Extra credit (Optional)
Conditioning aka Metcon
EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) for 12 min
Min 1: Bike For Calories
Min 2: Max Hanging Knee Raises or Anchor Point T-2-B
Min 3: Burpee to Box Jumps or Step Ups
Min 4: Rest 1 Minute