The In-House Olympic Lifting Meet Date Has Been Moved To February 1st!
This Will Align With Peak Week AKA PR Week And The End Of Our 12 Week Oly Program.
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up 8 Mins
5 Warm Up
5 Lift Off
5 High Pulls
5 Hang Clean
5 front squat
5 squat cleans
Strength: 20 mins
4 Mins to warm up to first working weight
8 Mins
Coach Lead Tempo or “Slow” Squat Clean
3×3 at 70, 75 & 75%
60 sec rest between sets
8 Mins
Tempo Front Squat 2-3-1-0
3×5 at 70%
60 sec rest between sets
- 2-3-1-0
- The first number (2) is the eccentric, or lowering, component of the lift.
- The second number (3) denotes any pause at the bottom.
- The third number (1) is the concentric, or lifting, component.
- Finally, the fourth number (0) denotes any pause at the top.
Metcon: 20 mins
For Time – 20 min
75 Med Ball Cleans 20/14
60 Cal Ski/Row
45 Strict Press 65/45
30 GHD or 30 V-up/Tuck-up
15 Deadlift 225/155 Scaled 155/110
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Friday: Arms Bicep/Tricep (Optional Day)
1) 4×8-12 Super Set
Incline DB Curls
Rope Tricep Ext
2) 4×8-12 Super Set
Reverse Curl
Incline Skull Crushers
3) 4×8-12 Super Set
Incline Seated DB Hammer Curl
Tricep Kick Backs
4) 4×8-12 Super Set
Close Grip Straight Bar Curl
Single Arm Reverse Cable Ext
6) 4×8-12 Super Set
Alternating DB Curls
Straight Bar Cable Ext
7) 3xME
Incline Bench Preacher EZ bar Curl