Q1. What have been your greatest successes (physically, mentally or emotionally) since you began? How does your body feel now compared to when you started and WHY?
I think my biggest success since starting CrossFit has been getting through vet school! These last few years have definitely been both challenging and rewarding. I know that going to the gym on a regular basis has played a huge part in getting to where I am now. I love that I can get up early, workout (and laugh) with some of the best people I know, and start the day with a clear head.
My body feels way stronger and healthier than when I started. It didn’t take me too long to realize that if I ate like crap the day before, I was going to pay for it at 5:30 the next morning. There is nothing worse than doing burpees and thinking about all the Doritos or pizza you ate the day before! For me, there was kind of a natural progression of making better eating choices once I started CrossFit, and I’m so thankful. That’s not to say that I don’t still enjoy Chick-Fil-A whenever possible!! Also, I feel really good after going to the gym. I dabbled in running for a few years, but I never really felt that great after going for runs. I always ended up with a strained something or nagging aches and pains. I don’t feel that way after working out at DNR – I feel fantastic 🙂
Q2. How has your life changed since starting CrossFit training? Has CrossFit transferred over into any other areas of your life?
CrossFit has done so much for every aspect of my life. I feel physically stronger and more self confident too. My career is going to depend on me being healthy and physically active, so it’s important for me to stay in shape and take care of my body. On a mental and emotional basis, going to the gym every morning has been a game changer for me. There were times during school where the only time I wasn’t sitting in a chair (either in class or studying) was when I was at the gym. The 5:30 am class has been my “morning coffee” for almost four years now. I learned a long time ago that I always feel better after going to the gym. For me, it’s the best way to start my day because it wakes me up and (more importantly) clears my head.
Q3. What are the advantages of CrossFit style training compared to your previous workout styles?
CrossFit appeals to me for so many different reasons. I am a results-oriented person, and I feel like I’ve gotten more physical results from CrossFit than anything I’ve tried previously (running, swimming, yoga etc). Additionally, it works really well for me from a scheduling perspective. Like most of us, I don’t have a ton of extra time in my day, and it’s amazing to be able to get that quality of a workout done in one hour!
Q4. What advice can you give to others?
Be nice, keep it simple, and have a sense of humor (especially about yourself). If I didn’t laugh at half of the dumb things I do or say, I’d cry all the time. Also, I believe that we are in charge of what kind of day we’re going to have. You can either succumb to a bad day and have a bad attitude, or find a different perspective and turn things around.
Athlete Specific Q.
1) Secretariat, Seabiscuit or Hidalgo?
Secretariat! What an amazing athlete…I got to meet him when I was a kid. I have a picture of me standing next to him when I was 11 years old – it’s fantastic!
2) What’s it like to be a Doctor…. better yet, what’s it like to be a horse Doctor?
First of all, I’m not actually doctor – I still have 110 days to go! I am both excited and terrified to start my career after graduation. It’s going to be a ton of responsibility and pressure, but I am so excited about all the things I’m going to learn, the people I’m going to meet, and the all the horses!!!! I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to go to vet school and am looking forward to starting down this new path.
3) You’re riding a horse full speed, there’s a giraffe right beside you, and a lion nipping at your heels. What do you do?
I think the smart thing to do would be to hit the brakes and let them fly on by! Fun fact – the giraffe, the horse, the lion and I all have the same number of vertebrae in our necks (you’re welcome, useless vet school trivia).
*Correct answer: Your drunk….. get off the carousel!*