December 1, 2016 by thao

Katie and Felicia


Katie and Felicia

Q1. What have been your greatest successes (physically, mentally or emotionally) since you began? How does your body feel now compared to when you started and WHY?

Katie: One of my greatest successes physically is the change in my endurance and how far I have come since I started CrossFit. I can definitely push myself farther and harder than I ever have before. Just one more rep really is a thing. Mentally and emotionally I have found that I am no longer intimidated to walk in to the gym. While I love having friends and people I know with me during a workout, I can now do it on my own when I used to not be able to do that. Gymtimidation really is a thing. You don’t feel that at DNR.

Felicia: I’ve had so many successes since starting CrossFit. Conquering the tough WODs is such an amazing feeling; I love starting my day by clearing my mind and pushing myself through the workout to get to the feeling of accomplishment and purpose. Physically I feel so much stronger and it’s always exciting when more and more movements ‘click’ and become doable. I also think I am more motivated to challenge myself because of all of the amazing athletes in the classes that constantly amaze me with that they can do! By challenging myself, I’ve learned that my body is strong and I am capable of a lot more than I ever thought. I am super thankful for such patient and great coaches who are willing to gently correct me and help me through ‘the impossible’ – I know I am not an easy client! 

Q2. How has your life changed since starting CrossFit training? Has CrossFit transferred over into any other areas of your life?

Katie: I think the biggest change in my life since starting CrossFit is that I now enjoy working out, even though I cuss a lot during workouts, I enjoy it. I have become “that person” that talks about it all the time, trying to get others to join and see how really great it is. I have found that it is hard to really explain how life changing it is and I don’t think you realize that until you start the program and stick to it. People think CrossFit is all about throwing tires and getting ripped. While that may be true for some, that has not been my experience. For me it is realizing that I can do things I never thought I’d be able to do. And I have yet to throw a tire. No Kody, that is not a challenge.

Felicia: Again, I feel so much stronger and capable since starting CrossFit. I love the sense of community at the gym too; I’ve made a lot of friends since starting which has kept me motivated to keep coming. In general, I think I feel a lot healthier which has led me to want to maintain my health in other ways like clean eating and staying more active overall.

Q3. What are the advantages of CrossFit style training compared to your previous workout styles?

Katie: I like that every workout is different. I found in the past that running on the treadmill and going to classes at regular gyms becomes very boring and mundane so it was hard for me to stick with it. CrossFit is a completely different experience and the variety of workouts keeps it from being monotonous. I think you also find that camaraderie in CrossFit that you don’t find in any other workout programs. There is something about suffering through with everyone else that helps you push yourself through the workout.

Felicia: I love CrossFit because it is different every day! It’s easy to get bored with the same workout routine or even attending classes because they are repetitive. I love that we are always working on different movements and that there is so much variety- no two days are the same, which makes it exciting to come every day.

Q4. What advice can you give to others?

Katie: I always tell people to just try it out and give it a chance and once they do to keep at it – if I can do it anyone can do it. It really isn’t a competition like people think it is and instead is a group of people that really do help you push yourself to do the best you can as well as celebrate your successes. No matter how big or small. Over the time that I have been doing CrossFit I have had to remind myself that while I may not be the quickest or the strongest, I have come a long way and I am proud of the work I have done. It also makes all the difference to start with a partner because you help each other get there and to keep going and then you become each other’s biggest cheerleaders.

Felicia: The advice I would give to others is to give yourself credit for all of your victories and progress, no matter how small it may seem at the time. I notice that sometimes I get hung up on a movement that seems impossible, and while it feels frustrating to have to work through all of the steps of modifications, I have been able to make huge progress from where I started. The other piece of advice would be to just show up to class and keep trying!

Athlete Specific Q.

Katie: 1) You have such a quiet demeanor about you. How can we get you to speak up? 2) Clearly you two are very good friends.. Lets see how well you know each other. Who is Felica’s favorite coach? Why?

1) I am pretty sure anyone that has been in the gym with me knows this is quite the opposite of how I am. I am also sure there are several people that wish I would seriously just shut up sometimes. My whole life I have gotten in trouble for talking and being too loud and I suppose that won’t change any time soon. Plus I cannot get through a really hard workout without saying f@*! multiple times. Ha!! 

2) This is an easy one. Felicia’s favorite coach is Bre and while she loves and adores all the coaches, Bre offers an extra layer of support and nurturing that is helpful to Felicia. Felicia has always said she is sensitive so she appreciates Bre’s style of coaching.

Felicia: 1) There is no question you are a talker but why must you always yell all the time? 2) Clearly you two are very good friends.. Lets see how well you know each other. What is Katie’s least favorite CrossFit movement? Why?


1) I’m pretty sure this question is for Katie…. Katie is the yeller and I’m the dancer. I love busting moves to the tunes in the morning with my fellow 7:45ers.


2) Katie LOATHES snatches. As everyone knows, this is a technical movement that takes a lot of practice. She hasn’t liked them since day one. Just know if snatches are involved, there is sure to be an F-bomb coming from her mouth!


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