Q1. What have been your greatest successes (physically, mentally or emotionally) since you began? How does your body feel now compared to when you started and WHY?
Jeremy: My successes are many (here are a few)
- When I started at DNR a year ago, I couldn’t do a T2B. The other week I did 80.
- Getting my butt to the gym 3-4 days a week consistently
- Showing my kids that daddy is healthy and getting stronger every day. My daughter is REAL concerned every time I come home super sweaty after a WOD
At 43 (and a half) years old I am the strongest I have ever been in my life. Seeing that I can do all (well most) of the WODs is extremely empowering.
Pat: Greatest success has just been to achieve a level of fitness and the confidence required to complete whatever workout is programmed. I definitely scale to my ability. However, I don’t let a given movement, or how hard I think a WOD might be, stop me from showing up. I’m without a doubt stronger than when I started. Feel ready to rock n roll, like a panther with some high tops and a chainsaw.
Q2. How has your life changed since starting CrossFit training? Has CrossFit transferred over into any other areas of your life?
- I am one year older but feel a decade younger.
- More energy.
- I have always had a positive outlook, but my attitude seems better.
- Learned how to deal with life always being effing sore.
CrossFit has simply had a positive effect in all aspects of my life
Pat: Well, I never watched barbell technique/training videos on YouTube before I joined the gym. Now that stuff is popping up all over the place. I also didn’t have callouses on my hands the size of turtle shells. I think I might have to start wearing mittens to drive. Other than that, I love being able to break away for an hour, get in the gym, and not think about emails or the electric bill. Creating that space has offered benefits I didn’t expect from an exercise routine. I’m not only working to get stronger and trying to stay healthy. I’m allowing for time to clear my head. I’m overcoming physical challenges. I’m making new friends. I’m having more fun than I thought I would.
Q3. What are the advantages of CrossFit style training compared to your previous workout styles?
The coaching and peer engagement. Makes CrossFit more than just a work out. It’s a “thing.” I used to work out alone mostly running and minor strength. Seemed like I always had to drag my ass off the couch or whatever to get motivated. Now working out is fun (when its over) and I look forward to it (until 15 minutes before the WOD).
Pat: I never actually exercised for the sake of improving my fitness or was part of a gym or anything like that until I was in my 40’s. Before DNR, I worked with a cat named Jim Laird in Lexington, KY for about a year. He gave me the foundation to even consider CrossFit in that it was a high intensity, interval training kind of program. What I like most about CrossFit is the ability to make a workout super challenging but also scalable. It provides for a sense of accomplishment, allows you to measure growth, and set more advanced goals to shoot for. All super positive stuff!
Q4. What advice can you give to others?
- If you haven’t done CrossFit, do it. It’ll suck for a month or so. But then totally worth it.
- If you do CrossFit, try harder.
- When traveling, go to other gyms. You will realize how badass DNR is.
- Drink more beer
- Don’t do floor presses.
Pat: With regard to the gym and CrossFit… don’t be afraid to just do what you can do. Then keep doing it. With regard to life in general… Smile more, don’t be a crab.
Athlete Specific Q.
1) What’s more important, having a bad a** hat or a dope pair of socks to work out in?
Tupac Socks. Nuff said.
2) Best workout music?
Metallica, Eminem
3) We have seen you on that crazy electric skate board, have you ever wrecked on it and what’s the fastest you have gotten it up too?
23mph and no I have not busted a** on it. (………yet, damnit DNR!)
1) What’s more important, having a bad a** hat or a dope pair of socks to work out in?
I can totally appreciate a good pair of socks and think my game is reasonably tight in that regard. BUT, if I didn’t have a good hat I’d come out of every WOD looking like a cross between Bob Ross and Bozo the Clown. So, I gotta go hat. No question.
2) Best workout music?
I pretty much have the Grateful Dead on a 24-hour loop. I also feel that roots reggae music deep in my bones. Y’all don’t listen to either. I understand. Not even mad about it. Other than that, I think we should have an occasional James Brown Wednesday at the gym. You know, slap a little funk on the hump to get us through the week.
3) Word on the street is you can make a mean brisket, is there any chance we will get a taste at this year’s Holliday/Secret Santa party?
Not a chance. That’s way too much pressure.