Q1. What have been your greatest successes (physically, mentally or emotionally) since you began? How does your body feel now compared to when you started and WHY?
Chuck: In January of 2018 I and my daughter, Tess, were encouraged by my other daughter, Maggie, to grab hold of our New Year’s resolution to get into shape. I told Mags I would try CrossFit even though I found it to be very intimidating. I made it through the Liberty class and found that it didn’t kill me. I continued and found that my overall “life stress” level has gone down considerably. I am able to work out stresses that build up throughout the day. This has been my greatest success since joining DNR. I don’t feel bottled up. Additionally, I have lost 25 lbs. over the course of the year. I am able to do things without worry, like skiing. Before CrossFit I would quit early because my legs were shot by 2 PM. Now, I am able to ski the whole day and my legs want to keep going.
Julie: Well I started as a promise to Maggie. The first night was so hard, but she ran with me just so I could finish. But then things got a bit easier each time. Now I feel generally happier and a lot less tired.
Q2. How has your life changed since starting CrossFit training? Has CrossFit transferred over into any other areas of your life?
Chuck: Maggie encouraged my wife to join CrossFit in July. Since then, Julie and I have been coming to DNR together to work out. Everyday we come home from work with the stress of life, but after CrossFit, we are able to let that go and have a conversation. Furthermore, we love having our daughters with us as we work out. It’s great family time. We have started to focus on our habits as a family and are trying to improve our metal, physical, and spiritual health. Exercise has given us the energy to pick up new challenges. Finally, CrossFit is all about being better than you were yesterday. Grit, determination, perseverance – whatever you want to call it, you learn that you have more in you than you thought.
Julie: I have more stamina. Night call does not wear me out as much. I can climb more flights of stairs without being winded. I think I sleep better (hard to know cuz I am asleep ). I definitely am more relaxed and don’t let things make me as mad or upset as they used to do. Also my office had an air squat challenge over a month which I won! That would have never happened 6 months ago
Q3. What are the advantages of CrossFit style training compared to your previous workout styles?
Chuck: DNR provides me with the coaching I need at the time I need it. As I progress, so does the coaching. I love that the standards at DNR are high and the coaches push you to achieve them. Without that coaching, my previous workouts were monotonous and dry, I never worked out as hard as I possibly could. It was always “good enough”. Everyday at DNR, I feel I give my all, whatever that is on that particular day. That is due to the positive, encouraging atmosphere of the gym/box whether from athletes or coaches.
Julie: CrossFit is awesome especially at DNR. Before I would go to the gym every once in a while, do some stuff but not push myself too hard. I like cross fit because I am working hard along side some really great people who are also working hard. And everyone is so supportive that it makes it fun to keep working and trying harder. The short intense workouts work well for me because I know I can do anything for just a couple minutes more and then lazy side of my brain doesn’t win.
Q4. What advice can you give to others?
Chuck: CrossFit is intimidating. However, don’t let daunting turn to discouragement. Come every day with a positive / can-do attitude. You are only in a race with yourself. You are faster than that self who sits on the couch. Encourage others and celebrate their wins. Their positive energy will carry you through as well. Finally, you will fall, you will feel tired and sore, you might even feel old – come anyway.
Julie: It’s never too late to start or restart feeling stronger and healthier.
Athlete Specific Q.
1) Box Jumps or Jump ropes? Love them hate them why?
If I had to choose, I would choose jump rope. I couldn’t do ONE when I started. Yes, that’s right. But one becomes two which becomes ten which becomes fifty. Now I am working on double-unders, of which I have gotten none (*yet*). Box jumps still intimidate me since my trip to the ER, but I have overcome the PTSD (mostly) and have worked my way back up to 20″. Mental toughness is as important as physical toughness.
2) How many CrossFit Gyms have you dropped into while traveling?
Let’s see, Peoria 309, Daytona Beach Port Orange, Dallas Heat, San Antonio OSO, Colorado Springs SoCo…. I think that’s it. So, five over the last year. I love it. You call and sign up. The coach doesn’t know what to think of you initially, but after seeing you warmup, you are part of the CrossFit family. It is a beautiful thing to travel cross country and go to a gym/box where people scream, “Let’s go, Chuck!” – and I met them 30 minutes ago. Plus, you get cool t-shirts.
3) How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Funny thing, I love to cut wood and split timber. I’ve cut down trees since I was a young boy. I’ve had some close calls as a lumberjack, but don’t tell Julie. I guess, you could say, Chucks chucked a F*K lot of wood.
1) Running, Rowing, or Biking? Love them hate them why
Biking secretly enjoy. I can move faster with less pain plus there is a built in fan that feels nice when you’re sweaty and dying. Rowing getting better at and am learning to love again. Running giant big hate- nothing good about that.
2) Have you ever given Chuck a purple nurple if not… could you please give Chuck a purple nurple, for coach Kody? (thanks in advance!)
No. And no. Sorry but I have to live with him. And his arms are longer so I would probably get one back and that sounds terrible. Sorry Kody ☹️🤣
3) German chocolate cake, Brownies or Chocolate Cheese cake? and why?
Is that even a question? Homemade brownies of course silly. Have at least 20 recipes pinned to Pinterest and 2 memorized.