24/7 access included in membership

September 25, 2024 by DNRadmin


Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself Deadlift by hinging not tilting the hip CrossFit DNR Best Gym In Fort Collins


Freedom WOD Classes

Warm Up: 6 Mins
2:00 Row
10 Step Ups
10 Jefferson Curls
10 Deadlifts
10 Kip Swings

Metcon: 13 Min Cap
“Is it wrong to be strong?!”
For Time:
Pull Ups
Box Jumps 24/20
*Deadlift weights:
Rd 1 275/195
Rd 2 225/155
Rd 3 185/125

Strength: 20 Min Cap
3 x 15 Pull Ups – As hard as possible and as close to unbroken as possible
Ex: 3 Muscle Up + 12 C2B
Ex 2: 5 Band Pull Ups + 10 Seated Pull Ups
**You may reduce the pull up reps as needed with this being after the metcon

Then 2 OR 3 x Superset
15-20 Cable Low Rows
10 Wall Glides
2:00 Rest

Functional Bodybuilding Class

Thursday: Shoulders

1) 4×25
Shoulder Press

Incline Shoulder “I”,“Y” & “T”

3) 3×12-15
Seated Alternating DB Shoulder Press
Seated Alternating DB Shoulder Press

4) 3×12-15
Seated Alternating DB Shoulder Press
Rear DB Fly

5) 3×12-15
Arnold Press

6) 3xME
Lat Raise Drop Set

7) 3xME
Front Raise Drop Set


Warm Up: 10 Mins
2 Rounds
200 M Row
5 Strict K-2-E
10 Box Step Ups

Strength: 8 Mins
Tabata 45/15 (2 rounds = 8 min) Click on each movement for video
Star Fish Crunch
Mountain Climber
Seated Corkscrew
Anchor Point T-2-B

Teams Of Two
20 Min AMRAP
150 Cal Row
90 Sit Ups
30 Box Jumps

Only one person can work at a time, You may split reps up how ever you would like. But you must complete all reps at the given station before moving on to the next movement/station



    2716 S. College Ave Suite B Fort Collins, CO, 80525

    (970) 213-3974


    Terms and Conditions for trial week

    You must be a resident and have a local address in Fort Collins. Offer valid for new members only! Parent or guardian must be present to sign waiver for anyone under the age of 18 years of age. Can note be combined with any other offers or discounts. 

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      We Respond Fast! If we don't respond to your message in 15 minutes, WE OWE YOU 15 BURPEES!