Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 6 Mins
2:00 Row
10 Step Ups
10 Jefferson Curls
10 Deadlifts
10 Kip Swings
Metcon: 13 Min Cap
“Is it wrong to be strong?!”
For Time:
Pull Ups
Box Jumps 24/20
*Deadlift weights:
Rd 1 275/195
Rd 2 225/155
Rd 3 185/125
Strength: 20 Min Cap
3 x 15 Pull Ups – As hard as possible and as close to unbroken as possible
Ex: 3 Muscle Up + 12 C2B
Ex 2: 5 Band Pull Ups + 10 Seated Pull Ups
**You may reduce the pull up reps as needed with this being after the metcon
Then 2 OR 3 x Superset
15-20 Cable Low Rows
10 Wall Glides
2:00 Rest
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Thursday: Shoulders
1) 4×25
Shoulder Press
Incline Shoulder “I”,“Y” & “T”
3) 3×12-15
Seated Alternating DB Shoulder Press
Seated Alternating DB Shoulder Press
4) 3×12-15
Seated Alternating DB Shoulder Press
Rear DB Fly
5) 3×12-15
Arnold Press
6) 3xME
Lat Raise Drop Set
7) 3xME
Front Raise Drop Set
Warm Up: 10 Mins
2 Rounds
200 M Row
5 Strict K-2-E
10 Box Step Ups
Strength: 8 Mins
Tabata 45/15 (2 rounds = 8 min) Click on each movement for video
Star Fish Crunch
Mountain Climber
Seated Corkscrew
Anchor Point T-2-B
Teams Of Two
20 Min AMRAP
150 Cal Row
90 Sit Ups
30 Box Jumps
Only one person can work at a time, You may split reps up how ever you would like. But you must complete all reps at the given station before moving on to the next movement/station