Happy 40th BDay Brooks!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 5 Mins
3 Rounds
20 Double Unders Or Singles
15 Air Squats
10 Strict Hanging Knee Raises
90 Sec /Side Banded Samson Stretch
Strength: 6 Mins
Rotating ½ Tabata 20/10 (this will be 6 mins long)
Anchor Point T-2-B
Hollow Rocks
Reverse Crunch
Home WOD: 20 Min Cap
20 Min AMRAP
400 M Run
20 V-Ups
16 Over Head Lunges 95/65
Advanced Athletes perform 20 GHD Sit Ups instead of v-ups
Metcon: 20 Min Cap
20 Min AMRAP
400 M Run
20 V-Ups
16 Alternating Over Head Lunges 95/65
Note: Elite Athletes perform 20 GHD Sit Ups instead of v-ups
Elite Competition Class
Gymnastic Stamina Benchmark
3 Rounds For Time:
25′ Handstand Walk O-Course (Ramp)
50 Heavy Rope Double Unders
25′ Handstand Walk O-Course (Stairs)
10 Ring Muscle-ups
Thruster Ladder
For Time:
21 Thrusters (135/95)
Rest 1 Minute
18 Thrusters (185/135)
Rest 1 Minute
15 Thrusters (205/145)
“Treasure Chest”
3 Rounds For Time:
30 Toes to Bar
25 Push Jerks (155/105)
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
Body Armor
[Part A]
3 Supersets:
10 Supinated Grip Ring Rows
20 Single-Leg Glute Bridges (10 Each Side)
Rest 1:30 Between Sets
[Part B]
3 Supersets:
30 Banded Face Pulls
30 Second Prisoner Superman Hold
Rest 1:30 Between Sets
Hill Repeats
1 Mile Easy Run
[Working Sets]
On the 3:00 x 9 Sets:
On the 0: 100 Meter Hill Sprint
On the 3: 100 Meter Wreck Bag Hill Sprint (50/35)
On the 6: 100 Meter Hill Sprint
On the 9: 100 Meter Wreck Bag Hill Sprint (50/35)
On the 12: 100 Meter Hill Sprint
On the 15: 100 Meter Wreck Bag Hill Sprint (50/35)
On the 18: 100 Meter Hill Sprint
On the 21: 100 Meter Wreck Bag Hill Sprint (50/35)
On the 24: 100 Meter Hill Sprint
[Cool Down]
800 Meters Easy
Brother Bro’s Barbell Club
Wednesday (Session Two)
Suggested Warm-Up
3 Minutes of Cardio (Run, Bike, Row, etc)
3 Rounds:
3 Inchworm Pushups + 6 Burpees + 9 Lunges + 12 Air Squats
With empty bar:
8 Back Squat, 8 Deadlift, 8 Press
4 Muscle Snatch, 4 Overhead Squat
4 Power Snatch, 4 Snatch Balances
4 Squat Snatch
4 Squat Snatch
*Every new line means take a short break before moving to the next movements
Every minute, on the minute, for 7 minutes (7 sets):
No Feet Power Snatch x 1 rep @ 65-75% of 1-RM Power Snatch
Start with your feet in your landing position. Your heels can come off the ground but your foot shouldn’t leave the ground.
Every minute, on the minute, for 7 minutes (7 sets):
Power Clean + Power Jerk x 1 rep @ 80-85%
In 18 minutes, establish a 1-RM Deadlift
Three sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squats x 5 reps
Dips x 10 reps
V-Ups x 30 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
Performance Power Training
Wednesday, Sept 2nd, 20120
Active Rest Day
2 mins on any cardio machine
1 min burpees
Humpday Pumpday
Squats n Pushups
Start with an empty Bar:
Perform 3 Squats and then add 20lbs. Repeat and add 20lbs. Continue until failure.
*After every set of Squats perform one set of 10 pushups, or max reps, whichever is LESS. i.e. DO NOT go over 10 pushups each round. If you only get 3, stop at 3.
*Rest between squat sets is time it takes to load bar and perform pushups. NO other rest allowed.
*Scale squat loading weight if needed to get at least 10 rounds.
*Scale pushups by elevating to get 10 on the first set.