Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 6 Min Cap
200 M Run
3 Inchworm Flows – 1 = downdog -> updog -> scorpion twist (video) > push ups
10 prone press (2.5-10#)
5 half rep wall walks w/ 5 second hold at top
10/leg 45 deg banded kickbacks
Strength: 20 Mins
Every 3:00 x 3 Rounds
3 x 15 Strict Press
Then 2-3 Supersets
10-15 Matador Dips
15 DB Pullover Extensions
2:00 Rest Between Sets
Metcon: 15 Min Cap
2 Rounds For Time:
15 Bench Press 155/105 (OR 60-65% of 1RM)
200 M Run
10 Wall Walks
200 M Run
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Tuesday: Back and Triceps:
1) 4×25
Straight Bar Lat Pull Down
2) 3×20 Build Over the 3 Sets
V-Bar Low Row
3) Giant Set 3×15-20
V-Bar Lat Pull Down
Tricep Press Down
Lat Press Down
4) Super Set 3×15-20
T-Bar Row
Cable Rope French Press
5) Giant Set 3×15-20
Stand Single Arm Cable Row
DB Tricep Kick Back
DB Bent Over Row
*Do everything on the right arm aka cable row, kick back, bent over row then switch to the left arm = 1 set
Warm Up: 6 Mins
On The Min
Min 1: Plank Hold
Min 2: Hollow Hold
Min 3: High Low Walk
Min 4: Mountain Climbers
Min 5: Hollow Fluter Kicks
Min 6: High Low Walk
Strength: 5 mins
3 Rounds
20 Partner V-Sit Circles
20 Partner Anchor Point T-2-B / Squats
20 Partner Hip Circles Around Partner DeadBug
Metcon: 12 Mins
6 Rounds
200 M Row
12 Alt KB Swings
6 Burpees