Yesterday was National Dog Day and we saw a lot of cute pups on your social media pages. But not everyone in the CFDNR community got to see them. Check out the CrossFit DNR FB page for the Dog Days Of DNR post and comment with a picture and the name of your pup!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 10 Mins
2 Rounds
200 M Run
10 Russian KB Swings
10 Kipping Swings
10 RDL w/ 3 sec negative
10 Banded Lat Press Down
200 M Run
Perform mobility between strength sets
Strength: 15 Mins
Deadlift using 90% of your 1RM to calculate load
2 min rest/mobility between sets
65% X 5
75% X 5
85% X 5+
When you see 5+, 3+, or 1+, that means you do the max reps you can manage with
that weight, with the goal of setting a rep record in each workout.
Home WOD: 14 Min Cap
Deadlift 185/130
DB/KB or Banded Lat Pullover
Metcon: 10 Min Cap
“Choose Your WOD”
Option 1
Deadlifts 315/205
Muscle Ups
Option 2
Deadlifts 255/180
Chest-2-Bar Pull Ups
Option 3
Deadlift 185/130
Pull Ups
Elite Competition Class
Optional Active Recovery
25 Minutes for Quality:
100m Farmers Carry
500m Row
100m Reverse Sled Pull
1,000m Assault Bike
Performance Power Training
Thursday, August 27th, 2020
Pre-Flight: Heavy Bench, some curls and a KB bonanza
Jet Fuel:
:30 Wall throws
:30 DB Overhead hold (2db’s)
-Mash upper body
Major, Lift: Red: Shoulder Press
-then 2xmax reps @80% of the heaviest set of the day
Wht/Blu: Pause Bench vs Bands
Max 1
AMAP @80%
*Compare to max 3, July 30th
-Superset 4x
12 DB Kickbacks (each)
Max reps bandy curls
-BB Upright Rows **Video shows DB’s, but use BB
3×12 AHAP
-Slingshot Pushups
3xMax Reps
7min AMRAP:
5 Double KB Swing
5 KB Push press
5 Situps
**Each set perform all 5 kb swing in a row first, then all 5 push press in a row, after.
*When performing double kb swing, keep kb’s between legs.
*Last KB swing can end on shoulders so the next rep can be a push press