Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 6 Mins
30 Banded Pull Aparts
200 M Row
20 Banded Lat Press Downs
200 M Row
30 Banded Pull Aparts
Strength: 10 Mins
4 x 6 – Hardest Variation Possible
Mobility: 6 Mins
1:30 / Side Bicep Smash
1:30 / Side Lat Smash
Home WOD: 16 Min Cap
For Time:
600 M Run
20 / Side Bent Over DB/KB Rows
400 M Run
15 / Side Bent Over DB/KB Rows
200 M Run
10 / Side Bent Over DB/KB Rows
Metcon: 16 Min Cap
For Time:
60/45 Cal Row or Bike
35 Pull Ups
45/35 Cal Row or Bike
25 Pull Ups
30 Cal Row or Bike
15 Pull Ups
Elite Competition Class
5 Rounds for Quality
400m run
60 ft. Dumbbell Bear Crawl
30 Abmat Sit-ups
Performance Power Training
Everyone is overhead today, light-ish afterburner, focusing on back strength and trunk strength
Jet Fuel:
Death by Burpees
Starting with 1 burpee, every thirty seconds, add one burpee until failure. If failure happens before 10, subtract 3 burpees and hold that number until 5mins.
-Mash upper body
Major, Lift: Red: Shoulder Press
-then 2xmax reps @80% of the heaviest set of the day
Wht/Blu: Shoulder Press
Max 20 +5 lbs from July 2nd
“Bamboo” Shoulder press
Max reps to failure Bandy Bicep Curls
Max reps to failure: Bandy Tricep extravaganza
Tabata Alternating:
Hang Power Snatch *light enough weight to work for 20 seconds unbroken (or scale to DB Power Snatch)
Toes 2 Bar
**8mins total
**Scale t2b as needed
**Tabata = :20 work, :10 rest