Happy Birthday Josh! Celebration workout coming later this week!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 4 Mins
2 Rounds – :30 each:
Air Squats
Strict Press
Samson Stretch (trade at :15)
Strength: 12 Mins
Strict Press
Start at 70% and build
Mobility: 5 Mins
2:00 / Side Posterior Shoulder Roll
Home WOD: 14 Min Cap
3 Rounds For Time:
20 MB Cleans Wallballs (20/14)
20 Lateral Box Jump Overs (24/20) OR Broad Jumps (6’/4′)
15 Push Press (95/65) OR 12 / Side Single Arm DB Push Press
Metcon: 14 Min Cap
3 Rounds For Time:
25 Wallballs (20/14)
20 Lateral Box Jump Overs (24/20)
15 Push Press (95/65)
Elite Competition Class
Gymnastic Capacity A [On the 0:00]
5 Burpees to Target (6″)
1 Parallette Handstand Push-up (14″/8″)
5 Burpees to Target (6″)
2 Parallette Handstand Push-ups (14″/8″)
5 Burpees to Target (6″)
3 Parallette Handstand Push-ups (14″/8″)
Add 1 Parallette Handstand Push-up Each Round
- We’ll start of today with the first of two Gymnastic Capacity pieces
- Start a running clock for this workout, as the next portion begins on the 10:00
- This piece ends on the 8:00, giving you 2 minutes of rest between
- Over the 8 minutes of work, the parallette handstand push-ups will climb by 1 rep each round while the burpees to target remain at 5
- We are purposefully going after a push-push combination with the upper body here
- We are also purposefully climbing in reps, which makes us strategize even more in this high interference piece
Gymnastic Capacity B [On the 10:00]
For Time (3 Minute Cap):
300′ Handstand Walk
- Starting at the [10:00] mark on the running clock, we’ll begin the second part of Gymnastics Capacity
- Here, we’ll set a benchmark on handstand walks with 300 feet for time
- There is a 3-minute cap for this piece
- If you hit the cap, put 3:00 as your score and record total distance covered in the notes
- If this movement is challenging, use this 3 minute window as a chance to practice getting more comfortable upside down
For Time:
800 Meter Pack Run (40/30)
30 Deadlifts (225/155)
800 Meter Pack Run (30/20)
20 Deadlifts (295/205)
800 Meter Pack Run (20/10)
10 Deadlifts (365/255)
- This simple couplet workout features weighted running and deadlifts
- The weight on the pack run will decrease with each set, while the deadlift weight increases
- Use one barbell and pack and change out the weights as you go
- The intended time range of this piece is between 18-25 minutes
Medicine Ball GHD Sit-ups (20/14)
Good Mornings (Empty Barbell)
After Each Set:
1 Minute Double Kettlebell Overhead Hold (53’s/35’s)
Odd-Object Conditioning
On the 3:00 x 4 Sets:
100 Meter Unbroken Sled Drag
Mountain Bike
45 Minute Effort
Performance Power Training
Tuesday, July 7th, 2020
Pre-Flight: Heavy deadlifts/squats then some static holds and finish with the classic powerclean box jump combo.
Jet Fuel: Every :30 x 8
MB Overhead toss + (1) up/down + 10m broad jump + 10m back pedal https://youtu.be/99Iy9DozFNs
Major, Lift: Red: Squat
-then 2xmax reps @80% of the heaviest set of the day
Wht/Blue: Deadlift off 4” block vs bands
Max 3
*Set the barbell on top of 4” blocks, and lift against band tension
*Compare to max 5 June 9th
Secondary BB movement:
-Anderson Front Squat Holds https://youtu.be/XJxaXlboZdI
4x:10 Heavy (i.e. have a spiritual experience)
-Single leg Squats *video shows scaling options https://youtu.be/AjpY0xcFp8I
3×8 (each)
-Reverse hypers *video shows a scaling option if you don’t have reverse hyper machine
3×20 OR
Supermans https://youtu.be/Y0S-F8RlxwE
3×15 (3 count hold at top) OR
GHRs *Video shows banded scaling option https://youtu.be/0BXRPyRjf8o
3xMax Reps
Every minute x 10 rounds:
5 Power Clean
5 High Box Jumps
*Power cleans moderate load, about 1 rep every 3 seconds
*Challenge height on boxes