May we introduce you to the newest members of the CFDNR family!
Kale and Nicole and Baby Eve!
Cesar and Berenice and Baby Julian!
Congratulations we can’t wait to meet them!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 10 Mins
90 seconds /side lax ball chest
2 Rounds
10 Cuban Rotations with 5lbs plates
10 slow push ups
10 DB Snatch
5 Burpees
Perform mobility between strength sets
Roll out Chest and Shoulders and Lats
Strength: 15-20 Mins
Bench Press **90% + 5 LBS** of your 1RM to calculate load
75% X 5
85% X 3
95% X 1+
When you see 5+, 3+, or 1+, that means you do the max reps you can manage with that weight, with the goal of setting a rep record in each workout.
Metcon: 18 Min Cap
5 Rounds of:
20 Push Ups
200m Sprint
20 Alt DB Snatch 50/35
60 Second Rest between rounds
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Arm Day
Incline Cable Extensions (PARTIALS top to half down, elbows tucked to the ribs)
2 Sets 20 Reps
-No rest move right into:
Incline Cable Extensions (45 Degrees, think skull crushers but not)
2 Sets 20 Reps
-No rest move right into:
Incline Cable Extensions (Reverse, full rom)
2 Sets 20 Reps
-No rest move right into:
Incline Cable Extensions with extra stretch at the top (Split Into 2 Motions stretch or extend at the top, then pull down to full rom extensions done almost like a pull over + extension)
2 Sets 20 Reps
Incline Cable Curls (Close Grip)
2 Sets 20 Reps
-No rest move right into:
Incline Cable Curls (Wide Grip)
2 Sets 20 Reps
-No rest move right into:
Incline Cable Curls (Wide Grip Drag Curl)
2 Sets 20 Reps
-No rest move right into:
Incline Cable Curls (Seated Up & Tilted Forward)
2 Sets 20 Reps
Single Arm DB French Press (Arm Jammed Against Bench)
2 Sets EACH 20 Reps
Cross Body DB Reverse Hammer
2 Sets EACH 20 Reps
Lying Incline DB’s Kick Backs (Supinated Grip)
2 Sets 20 Reps
Lying Incline DB Kick Backs (Rotate as You Contract Up)
2 Sets 20 Reps
High Incline Seated DB Curl (Shoulders Open/45 degree – Short Head Version)
3 Sets 20 Reps
“hold for 2 seconds at top”
Super Set
2 sets x 20 reps
DB Angled Drags (seated
DB Skull Crushers (laying 45 Degrees)
Super Set
2 sets to failure
Reverse Grip Straight Bar Curls
Tricep Push-ups