Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 8 mins
Coach Explanation and split into groups. Start lighter on your first sets as needed to warm up or get some quick push ups and rings rows in while your group sets up the station to start.
Metcon Bodybuilding: 48 Mins
Athletes will team up in teams of 3 or 4 per group and start together at the same station. You have 14 Mins to complete the 3 sets at that station and be ready to rotate to the next movement. Begin at station 1, 2, 3 or 4 then rotate in that order, 1 through 4. *You will probably have to drop weight for each round at each station. HIGH VOLUME. Station 1 will be the tightest time domain. Stay moving! The other stations, athletes should set up multiple benches, etc as needed
Station 1: Limited equipment means that as soon as one athlete finishes, the next starts! Get all 3 sets done in under 12 mins!
3 x Giantset
15-20 Seated Lat Pull Downs
20-25 Lat Push Downs
15-25 Tricep Extensions – on same bar as lat push down
Station 2: – use multiple benches
3 x Superset
20-25 Bench Press
15-20 DB Pull Overs
Station 3:
3 x Superset
10-20 Strict Dips – pick right mod so each set feels like a max rep set
15 / Side Bent Over Renegade Row
Station 4:
100 Curls – any variation
Barbell – DB (100 each side) – EZ bar – Cable Curl – Band
*Aim for 30+ without resting
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Back Squats (build to your heaviest set of 5)
Giant Set 3×8-15 (heavy)
Split Stance KB Sumo DL 3/4 Rep
KB Sumo Squats 1/2 Rep
X-Band Walk (Down and Back East-West)
4×12-15 (heavy)
Leg Extensions
4×12-15 (heavy)
Leg Curls
3x Super Set
12 /leg Back Rack Curtsey Lunge to Squat (can do without weight if needed)
12 Back Rack Box Step Ups