Warm Up:
10 Push Ups
Bike .40 miles / row 250 M
3 Supersets
8-12 Strict Press
8-12 Dips (Ring, matador, weighted, strict, banded, etc.)
Technique: 8 Min max
Teach Wall Walks and Modifications
Athletes who are comfortable with wall walks may work
Tricep Mobility
Metcon: 18 Min Cap (scale reps before run)
Cash In: 1/2 Mile Run
3 Rounds
8 Wall Walks (16 Box Walk Outs)
20 Ring Dips
Buy Out: 1/2 Mile Run
Elite Competition Class
1)Gymnastics 15 min
Skill 5 Mins of HS walk progressions
3 Supersets
4-8 Deficit HSPU (strict as long as possible)
6-10 Strict Bulgarian Dips (Wide dip, w/ Ring turn out at top)
Rest up to 2 mins
2)Deadlift 15 min
10 Rep Max touch and go
3) Conditioning 30 Min Cap
2000 M Row
15 Ring Dip
1500 M Row
20 Ring Dip
1000 Row
25 Ring Dip