The Running Club is Kicking Off! Contact Coach Shannon if you have any questions
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up:
Medball Warm up
Core Development
Tabata 20/10 – ALL 8 RDS Before Rotating
Bicycle Crunches
Arch Swimmers – Stay Tight in hamstrings, glutes AND Abs
Olympic Lifting: 10 Min
Athletes Choose, and Coach Floats around room helping as needed
1. 10 Min of Clean Technique Work
2. 3 Complexes of:
Deadlift + Hang High Pull + Hang Power Clean + Full Clean + FS
Partner Workout with 18 Min Cap
4 Rounds For Time: (split reps as needed)
40 Wall Balls (20/14)
30 TTB or 40 V-ups
*One Person works at a time
Elite Competition Class
1) Clean
10 Rep Max touch and go
2) Back Squat
3) Strength Conditioning
Power Clean 155/110 use the biggest unbroken sets possible
Bar Facing Burpees