Warm Up:
2 Rounds
10 TTB
10 Ring Rows/Jumping Pull ups
5 lunges/leg
Strength and Olympic Technique:
Snatch Grip High Pulls From Floor
3 x 5
Core Development (8 min cap)
50 Sit Ups
2 Min Plank (rest as needed)
50 Sit Ups
Rotating Tabata 20/10
Pull Ups
Jumping Lunges
Elite Competition Class
1. Barbell Conditioning
EMOM x5:
3 Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats + 3 Push Jerks (225/155)
2. Conditioning
Teams of 3:
400m Sandbag Run (50/35)
125 Pull-Ups
400m Sandbag Run (50/35)
100 Calorie Bike
400m Sandbag Run (50/35)
75 Front Squats (155/105)
400m Sandbag Run