The COVID Home WOD Killa Of Week Three go to:
Mel and Nathan Johnson!
Not only have they been killing the Home WODs each week but they also played a huge part in CrossFit DNR taking home the win for the Sit Ups For Pups Challenge!
This was an amazing challenge that the CFDNR Hooligans took on with full force proving once again we are stronger than ever! Thank you to everyone that took part.
I would also like to recognize the top 5 athletes
Nathan Johnson: 9,830 sit ups
Shivaun McArtor: 6,034 sit ups
Bill Cliff: 5,465 sit ups
Mel Johnson: 5,000
Brett Snyder: 4,535 sit ups
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 10 mins
20 M High Knees
20 M Butt Kicks
10 M Floor Sweepers
10 M Samson Stretch
5 Spealer Rolls
Mobility: 10 mins
2 Min /side hip flexer smash.
Strength: 6 mins
4 Rounds Alternating Tabata 20/10 = 6mins
Cork Screw
V-Ups / Tuck Up
Plank Variations
Metcon: 40 Min Cap
From Patriot Guard: SOCS Chad M. Wilkinson age 43, passed away unexpectedly 29 Oct 2018 in Virginia Beach. He served as a SEAL assigned to many NSW Commands, most recently in Virginia Beach. SOCS Wilkinson had many deployments and multiple combat missions over the past 22 years. He was highly decorated and highly respected as a mentor, instructor and brother in arms. He is survived by his wife Sara Wilkinson, CrossFit HQ trainer, and daughter Kinsley.
For Time:
1,000 Box Step Ups 20″ Box Wear a Ruck Pack 45/35
Complete 1,000 box step ups for time. Use a 20 inch box and wear a ruck pack that weighs 45 lbs for men, and 35 lbs for women.
A ruck is a weighted backpack to simulate the gear carried during a hiking expedition.
Score is the time it takes to complete all 1,000 repetitions.
Tips and Strategy
When you go into this workout, know that your pace will be slow. You’ll break a lot, but long rests will result in feeling like the clock is moving backwards instead of forwards. Commit to short breaks (10-15 seconds) and then get back on the box.
Intended Stimulus
This memorial WOD should feel like one of the most mentally challenging workouts you’ll ever do. You’ll want to quit at least a few times. But when you make it to the finish line, you’ll feel both exhausted (physically and mentally) and extremely accomplished. And if you keep Chad Michael Wilkinson in your mind during all 1,000 reps, you’ll also feel like you’ve properly honored a fellow human being.
Scaling Options
This workout is meant to be grueling and long—an hour or more for most athletes.
Single-modality workouts, ones where there is only one movement, (like “Randy,” “30 Muscle-Ups,” and “Run 3k“) are tough—there’s only one movement, and therefore, nowhere to hide.
Beginners should significantly scale the volume and/or the load to stay safe. The prescribed version of this workout should only be tackled by well-seasoned athletes.
For Time
500 Box Step-Ups (20 in)
Wear a Ruck Pack (25/15 lb)
For Time
200 Box Step-Ups (20 in)
No Weighted Ruck
Elite Competition Class
“Strict JT Sr.”
Strict Deficit Handstand Push-ups (4.5″/3″)
Strict Ring Dips
Hand-Release Push-ups
“Strict JT Sr.” is a cycle benchmark we will re-test
It is a beefed up version of the benchmark workout “JT”
This triplet workout is an all upper body pushing focused gymnastics piece
Because it is high interference (all pressing), you’ll likely benefit from breaking each movement up into small sets from the very beginning
Reducing the overall workout volume is an option:
See further down the page for specific movement subs
Elevate hands onto plates to create the defici
Choose a deficit for the first round that allows you to complete the 21 reps in 1-2 sets when fresh
The front of the shoulder should descend below the elbow in the bottom of the dip
At the bottom of each rep, elevate the hands off the ground before pressing back up
Reduce Volume
Reduce Reps or Deficit
Feet on Box or Bench Video
Reduce Reps
Banded Ring Dips
Reduce Reps
Warmup Set
Strict Deficit Handstand Push-ups
Strict Ring Dips
Hand Release Push-ups
Reduce Reps
Elevate Hands to Box or Bench
Knee Push-ups
Warmup Set
Strict Handstand Push-ups
Strict Ring Dips
For Time:
200 Double Unders
100/75 Calorie Row
50 Burpee Box Jump Overs (30″/24″)
100/75 Calorie Row
200 Double Unders
Working on the medium-long side for this cardio focused chipper workout
We expect this workout to last between 15-20 minutes
Choose a rep number or variation that allows you to clear this movement in 3 minutes or less
There is no need to stand to full extension on top of the box
You can jump or step out of the burpee, but should jump up to the box
Face the box in the burpee
The strategy here is fairly simple
The front half of the workout mirrors the back
The goal is to hold a pace on the first set of double unders and row, along with the burpee box jump overs, that allows you to move just as fast, if not faster, on the last set of row and double unders
Smooth is fast on the row and burpee box jump over
Rather than thinking of the first round of rowing as 100/75 calories, imagine being on there for the full 200/150
Having the full workload in mind can help you pace this movement out effectively
Move at a steady, robotic pace through the burpee box jumps that allows you to re-create your pace on the rower for the second round
Reduce Reps
2 Minutes of Practice for 100 Reps
150 Single Unders (1.5x)
Warmup Set
15 Double Unders
5 Calorie Row
5 Burpee Box Jump Overs
5 Calorie Row
15 Double Unders
Odd-Object Conditioning
For Time:
50 D-Ball Cleans (150/100)
On the 0:00, and Every 4:00 Thereafter:
15/12 Calorie Ski Erg
15 GHD Sit-Ups
Working the full body in today’s odd object conditioning piece
Starting on the 0:00 and again every 4:00, you’ll complete 15/12 Calories on the Ski Erg and 15 GHD Sit-up
After completing this ‘buy-in’ you’ll advance to the D-Ball and complete as many cleans as possible until the 4:00
At 4:00, you’ll return for 15/12 Calories, 15 GHD Sit-ups, and max D-Ball cleans until the 8:00
This cycle will continue on the 12:00, 16:00, etc. until the 50 D-Ball Cleans are completed
Your score is total time it takes to complete the 50 D-Ball Cleans
D-BALL CLEANS Choose a weight that you are capable of completing at least 12 reps within 1 minute when fresh
SUBS D-BALL CLEANS Sandbag Cleans 50 Deadlifts (315/225)
SKI ERG Equal Calorie Row or Bike Erg 12/9 Calorie Assault or Echo Bike 21/15 Calorie Schwinn Bike GHD Sit-ups Toes to Bar Weighted AbMat Sit-ups Video
MOVEMENT PREP Warmup Set 5 Calorie Ski Erg 4 GHD Sit-ups 3 D-Ball Cleans "Aerobic Threshold Intervals Choice of Bike: 3 Rounds: 1:00 Recovery Pace, :45s Moderate :45s Recovery pace, :30s Hard :30s Recovery Pace, :15s Sprint Rest 1:15" STIMULUS GENERAL 3 Rounds of 3:45 ""work"", with 1:15 of rest between Athletes choice: Erg Bike, Assault, Echo, Schwinn Focus here is to train (4) specific gears Having the ability to control our pace is a skill Less about how ""fast"" your speeds are… instead consistency" SUBS BIKE Can be completed on any machine"
Performance Power Training
Tuesday, April 7th, 2020
Jet Fuel: Animal Drills:
-Each movement will be forward 10m down, then performed backwards on the return.
Bear Crawl
Crab WalkDuck Walk
Go through the movements twice.
2min Max reps Wallballs
Major, Lift: Red: Squat
-then 2xmax reps @80% of the heaviest set of the day
Wht/Blue: Close-Stance Squat
Max 6
**Compare to max 8 March 10th**
-3×8 (each) Single leg kb deadlift (use two kb’s, one in each hand)
-50 weighted pistols (total)
*Scale pistols to unweighted then to a bench
6 Rounds:
20 Unbroken Wallballs (30/20)
200m Sprint
*Rest 2:1 (rest is twice as long as it took to complete)
*Sprint is half as long, but total workout is twice the rounds