Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 5 mins
5 Min Circuit
Coach Led Barbell path
Home WOD: 38 Min
Every 90 Secs for 18 Mins (12 Attempts)
Snatch – Looking to find your 1RM
(If we are newer to the lift then weight should be keep low, working on form)
Rest 2:00
Every 90 Secs for 18 Mins (12 Attempts)
Clean & Jerk – Looking to find your 1RM
(If we are newer to the lift then weight should be keep low, working on form)
Metcon: 38 Min
Every 90 Secs for 18 Mins (12 Attempts)
Snatch – Looking to find your 1RM
(If we are newer to the lift then weight should be keep low, working on form)
Rest 2:00
Every 90 Secs for 18 Mins (12 Attempts)
Clean & Jerk – Looking to find your 1RM
(If we are newer to the lift then weight should be keep low, working on form)