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2020 Best Of NOCO
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 5 Mins
2 Rounds
20 Sec High Knees
20 Sec Butt Kicks
5 Hang Power Cleans
4 Lunges /leg
3 Push Press
90 Sec /side Samson Stretch
Home Strength:
3×1 Complex:
3 DB or KB Power Snatch + 3 DB or KB Sq Snatch + 3 OHS
Perform the full complex on the right arm then switch to the Left arm for a full complex to = 1 complex.
If you don’t have a DB or KB perform
The slow pull snatch is simply a snatch in which the athlete performs the first pull at a lower than natural speed. Perform the lift identically in terms of position, but slow the movement of the bar to the mid- to upper-thigh so that it takes 2-3 seconds to reach that point. As the bar reaches that point, without slowing down, accelerate the bar aggressively with violent leg and hip extension, keeping the bar close to the body and allowing it to contact at the hips.
Tempo Back Squat 2-3-1-0
60 sec rest between sets
Home WOD: 13 min Cap
13 Min AMRAP
5 Curtis P’s (Power Clean, RT Lunge, LT Lunge, Push Press)
10 Push Ups
15 Object Over Jumps
Coach Lead 2-3 sec Tempo or “Slow” Squat Snatch
3×3 at 70, 75 & 75%
60 sec rest between sets
Tempo Back Squat 2-3-1-0
3×5 at 70%
60 sec rest between sets
- 2-3-1-0
- The first number (2) is the eccentric, or lowering, component of the lift.
- The second number (3) denotes any pause at the bottom.
- The third number (1) is the concentric, or lifting, component.
- Finally, the fourth number (0) denotes any pause at the top.
Metcon: 13 Min Cap
13 Min ARMAP
5 Curtis P’s 115/75 (Power Clean, RT Lunge, LT Lunge, Push Press)
10 Push Ups
15 Bar Over Jumps
Elite Competition Class
Brother Bros Barbell Club
Monday (Session One)
Suggested Warm-Up
3 Minutes Cardio (Run, Bike, Row, etc)
3 Rounds:
10 Air Squats
5 Inchworm Pushups
3 Burpees
2 Rounds:
10 Jumping Lunges
5 Pull-Ups
With empty bar:
5 Deadlift, 5 Press In Split, 3 Front Squats
5 Muscle Cleans, 3 Front Squat
5 Power Cleans, 3 Front Squats
3 Squat Cleans, 3 Press In Split
*Every new line means take a short break before moving to the next movements
Every 90 seconds, for 4:30 (3 sets):
3-Position Clean x 1 rep
Do not go heavier than 65% of your 1-RM Clean. This is just a warm-up.
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
Clean Lift Off + Clean + Hang Clean x 1 rep
*Set 1 = @ 65% of 1-RM Clean
*Set 2 = @ 70% of 1-RM Clean
*Sets 3-4 = @ 75% of 1-RM Clean
*Sets 5-6 = @ 80% of 1-RM Clean
Every 90 seconds, for 7:30 (5 sets):
Behind The Neck Split Jerk x 1 rep
*Set 1 = @ 70% of 1-RM Split Jerk
*Set 2 = @ 75% of 1-RM Split Jerk
*Sets 3-5 = @ 80% of 1-RM Split Jerk
Every 2:30, for 12:30 (5 sets):
Back Squat
*Set 1 = 4 reps @ 75%
*Set 2 = 6 reps @ 70%
*Set 3 = 4 reps @ 80%
*Set 4 = 6 reps @ 75%
*Set 5 = MAX repetitions at 80%
*Note: Set 5 – Load up 80% and perform as many reps as possible!
Three sets of:
Chinups with a 2 second pause at top x 8 reps
Single Arm DB Row x 8 reps
Glute Ham Raise x 6-8 reps
Rest as needed
Performance Power Training
Monday, 20th, 2020
Jet Fuel: Tabata alternating:
Band Pull Aparts
Pull up Bar hang
**Go For 6 minutes**
Major, Lift: Red: Bench Press
-then 2xmax reps @80% of the heaviest set of the day
Wht/Blu: Jesse Burdick’s DB Fist Fight!
3xMax Reps DB Bench Press @8 out of 10 weight
2xMax Reps DB Bench Press @5 out of 10 (20+Reps)
**Add 5lbs to your weight from last week**
3×10 Tempo Chinnups -3 count lower -all 10 unbroken
(Make it so it is easy to get chin over the bar i.e. a box, or jumping).
Sled Rows Heavy
3×15 DB Hammer Curls
3×15 DB Tricep Kickbacks
After Burner:
6 rounds
1 min on, 30 seconds off