Vets4Life presents the first in an ongoing Health and Wellness Workshop Series. The series will offer integrative workshops that are part informative seminar (topics vary) and part activity. Light refreshments will be provided.
*Veterans-FREE (includes scan)
*Veterans immediate family member or guest- FREE (does not
include scan. Scan can be added for a $20 day of donation to
Vets4Life )
*All others- $40 day of donation to Vets4Life (includes scan +
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 8 Mins
2 Rounds
8 Push Ups
8 Deadlifts
8 Inch worms
90 sec /side Lax Ball Chest
90 sec /side Lax Ball Lats
10 min Alternating EMOM
Min 1: 5-8 Strict Dips
Min 2: 5-8 Strict Pull Ups
Metcon: 16 mins
4 rounds
3 min AMRAP
3 Deadlifts 275/185
6 Pull Ups
9 Push Ups
Rest 1 min
Elite Competition Class
Optional Active Recovery
6 Sets:
100′ Single Dumbbell Farmers Carry (Each Side)
15 Calorie Machine
20 Second L-Sit
This Optional Active Recovery piece is not for time, rather the aim is to just move around and break a sweat
There is no prescribed weight for the Farmers Carry
Choose a heavier weight that allows you to complete the 100 feet segments unbroken
You’ll complete 100′ on the right, then 100′ on the left
You could also use a kettlebell for this
Complete 15 calories on a machine of your choice
If unable to use a machine, complete a 200 meter run
Each set finishes with a 20 second L-Sit on parallettes
If you don’t have parallettes, you can hang from a pull-up bar or set of rings
This is accumulated time – the 20 seconds doesn’t have to be unbroken
30 Second Hollow Hold Video
15 Weighted Sit-ups Video
Performance Power Training
Thursday, March 5th, 2020
Pre-Flight: Shoulders and bench press, then it gets techincal with HSPU and Double unders. Have people scale to DB’s as needed
Jet Fuel: Reverse Tabata:
Pushups/Situps (8 minutes)
Band pull aparts, presses, upright rows
*Mash upper body
Major, Lift: Red: Shoulder Press
-then 2xmax reps @80% of the heaviest set of the day
Wht/Blu: Spoto Bench Press vs Bands
Max 5
5×2 @5 rep weight
*Spoto bench: the bar deliberately does not touch chest. It stops about 2 inches off the chest and turns around.
Max Reps Pullups (scale as needed to get at least 10 on the first set)
20 Incline DB Press
20 DB Hammer Curls
20 DB Skull Crusher
Death by DB Push Press and Double Unders
1 DB Push Press
10 DU
*Add 1 Push Press every minute. Add 5 DU every minute.
*Go until the required reps cannot be completed in a minute.