Who is going to be this weeks COVID Home WOD Killa Of The Week?
“This is your opportunity to rise from the ashes and grab glory. No matter your past, what you do today, from this moment on, is how you will be remembered. Think about it.
As the sun sets this evening, say goodbye to yourself because you will never see that person again. And when you awake in the morning, say hello to the person then believe you are. Go ahead, grab glory.”
-Jack Lengyel, We are Marshall
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 10 mins
20 M High Knees
20 M Butt Kicks
10 M Floor Sweepers
10 M Samson Stretch
5 Spealer Rolls
Mobility: 10 mins
2 Min /side hip flexer smash.
Home Strength:
4 Rounds = 5mins
20 Sec Reverse Crunch
20 Sec Heel Taps
20 Sec Hollow Rocks
20 Sec Rest
Home WOD:
“Eva ish”
5 Rounds
Run 800 meters
30 Pack Swings
30 Sit Ups
3-5 Rounds
400 M Run
21 Pack Swings
30 Sit Ups
We are officially in our Murph Prep so grunt your way through this one but modify as needed… We are looking to get this done the the 35 Min or less range thats 7 mins per round. Swings can be done with a weighted pack, weight plate, KB or DB.
If you have a weight vest wear it.
Strength: 6 mins
4 Rounds = 5mins
20 Sec Reverse Crunch
20 Sec Heel Taps
20 Sec Hollow Rocks
20 Sec Rest
Metcon: 20 Min Cap
Five rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
30 KB Swings 70/53
30 Pull Ups
Elite Competition Class
Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups (On the 7:00…)
1 Set:
Max Unbroken Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Also a re-test from the start of “Grunt Work”
When the clock hits 7:00, you’ll have 3 minutes to complete 1 unbroken set of strict chest to bar pull-ups
Let’s only take one attempt at these, as it’s unlikely we’ll improve the second time around within such a short window
Hold yourself to a high standard of strict movement to get an accurate idea of where you’re at on this movement
Keep the lower body locked out, make sure to reach full extension at the bottom of each rep, and touch below the collarbone to the bar at the top
If you can get at least 1 rep without banded assistance, let’s complete these with full bodyweight
If you’re unable to complete a strict chest to bar pull-up without a band, go with regular strict pull-ups or choose the least amount of band resistance that allows you to complete at least 1 rep
Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Regular Strict Pull-ups
Banded Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Deficit Strict Handstand Push-ups (On the 0:00…)
For Time:
50 Deficit Strict Handstand Push-ups (4.5″/3″)
5 Minute Time Cap
Retesting a baseline from the start of “Grunt Work”
The first two pieces today are all to be performed on a running clock
We have from the 0:00 – 5:00 for the strict deficit handstand push-ups, giving us at least 2 minutes of rest before testing a max set of strict chest to bar pull-ups on the 7:00
Elevate your hands 4.5/3 inches off the ground with plates to create the deficit
We’re ideally choosing a deficit that allows for at least 10 reps unbroken when fresh
While there is a 5-minute limit, you’ll have more rest if you finish the 50 reps before the cap
If 50 reps seems like a lot to get done in 5 minutes, you can reduce the total volume, choose a variation, or simply see how many reps you can complete within the time frame
See below for potential subs
Strict Deficit Handstand Push-ups
Reduce Deficit
Reduce Reps
Max Reps in 5 Minutes
Double Dumbbell Strict Press
Feet on Box (Reduces Weight Being Pressed)
Buy-In: 45/30 Calorie Assault Bike
Into Max Rounds
9 Power Cleans (135/95)
21 Double Unders
Rest 5 Minutes
Buy-In: 30/20 Calorie Bike
Into Max Rounds:
6 Power Cleans (185/135)
21 Double Unders
Rest 5 Minutes
Buy-In: 15/10 Calorie Bike
Into Max Rounds:
3 Power Cleans (225/155)
21 Double Unders
We’ll work for 5 minutes and rest for 5 minutes in this high intensity interval workout
Each 5 minute AMRAP starts with a buy-in of Assault Bike calories
These buy-ins only happen once
Following the bike, you’ll complete as many rounds and reps as you can of power cleans and double unders with the time remaining
For Example: If you finish the bike in 3 minutes, you have 2 minutes to work through rounds on the bar and rope
Your score for each section is total rounds and reps of cleans and double unders
As we have more time on the scored portion of the workout, the power clean weight will increase
When choosing weights, consider the following recommendations:
1st Round: A light-moderate weight that you can cycle the 9 reps in 1-2 sets
2nd Round: A moderate weight that you could cycle the 6 reps in 1-2 sets
3rd Round: A moderately heavy weight that you’ll complete the 3 reps as quick singles
The double under sets are designed to be very small each round
Choose a number or a variation that allows you to complete these in ideally 1 set
To make sure you have enough time on the scored portion of the workout on each round, let’s cap the buy-ins:
1st Round: 3:30
2nd Round: 2:30
3rd Round: 1:30
If unable to Assault Bike, complete one of the following:
Equal Calorie Echo Bike, Bike Erg, or Row
Schwinn Bike:
1st Round: 60/45
2nd Round: 40/30
3rd Round: 25/20
1st Round: 800 Meters
2nd Round: 400 Meters
3rd Round: 200 Meters
The bike starts out really important and gets less important with each round
The higher calorie bikes cut into more of the 5 minutes than the lower calorie bikes do
The big calories are also paired with lighter weights, allowing you to still get a lot of work done with the time remaining
You’ll have to push the pace the most on the first round to have significant time on the barbell
While we want to hold a decent pace on the bikes, this should be a pace that allows you to stay moving on the scored section
Consider the following RPMs and how many calories they will get you in a minute:
55 RPM: ~7 Calorie Per Minute
60 RPM: 10 Calorie Per Minute
65 RPM: ~12 Calories Per Minute
70 RPM: 15 Calories Per Minute
75 RPM: ~20 Calories Per Minute
The Power Clean strategy will depend on how much time remains and what the weight is
At the first two weights, see if you can cycle the cleans in sets:
1st Bar: 9 or 5-4
2nd Bar: 6 or 3-3
The final barbell will likely best be completed as quick singles
If you find yourself resting too much, immediately go to quick singles no matter the weight to simply stay moving
Once you’re on the rope, try to hold on for unbroken sets of 21 if possible
Make sure to neatly place your rope back down on the ground so you spend less time untangling and more time moving
Reduce Reps
40 Single Unders
30 Seconds of Practice
With Opening Weight:
3 Calorie Bike
6 Power Cleans
12 Double Unders
Performance Power Training
Tuesday, March 24th, 2020
Jet Fuel: 200m run
Cone Drills: https://youtu.be/cRowvUOWNVg Follow this sweet video of an englishman and his most excellent music.
Major, Lift: Red: Squat
-then 2xmax reps @80% of the heaviest set of the day
Wht/Blue: Pause Squat vs Chains
Max 5
AMRAP @80% no pause
*2 count pause
*Dudes 3 chains, Chicks 2 chains
100m Reverse sled drag
24 total reps of “3and3” Goblet squats and KB swings
-Perform 4 rounds of 3 goblet squats and 3 KB swings, equalling 24 reps all together. KB cannot be put down during the set
200 Bicycles (ab work)
8min EMOM, alternating:
Even: 10 max height Jumping Squats, Remainder of minute, walking lunge
Odd: Shuttle Run (5,10,5), Remainder of minute, walking lunge
*Shuttle run goes 5m forward, then BACK PEDAL back, 10m forward, BACK PEDAL back, 5m forward, BACK PEDAL BACK.