Annual Holiday Part!
When: Saturday 12/14/24
Where: CrossFit DNR
When: 5:00pm – 8:00pm
Traditionally, CrossFit DNR has hosted an Ugly Sweater Party to get the DNR community together for a fun, social event before the craziness of the holiday’s begin.
Some important things to note:
– This is a social event, meaning there will not be a workout. Family (including kids) and significant others are invited, too!
– The holiday party is a Potluck style party, so we will need people to bring a dish to share.
– Ugly sweaters are a MUST!
– We will be having some White Elephant fun again this year. There are a few rules that we have: The gift must be under $30 and if you are bringing a gift as a couple/family, please only get a number as a couple/family. Make sure to bring the gift wrapped! Gifts will be able to be stolen twice! Once a gift is stolen two times, that gift stays where it is and can no longer be stolen.
***Gifts must be marked as 18+ or 21+***
– You can bring your own favorite adult beverage, but let’s keep it classy
Happy Holidays Hooligans!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 10 Mins
10 min Warm Up
3 min Bike or Row 2 Rounds:
**use lighter than Workout DB
5 Push ups
5 /side DB High Pull
5 /side DB Push Press
5 /side DB Hang Snatch
10 Alternating Step Up
Mobility: 8 mins
8 Min Athlete choice Mobility
Strength: 10 Min Cap
6 Min EMOM
Odd Min : 8-10 Strict Deficit HSPU (Hardest Variation)
Even Min : 30+ sec active hang from pull up bar
Metcon: 10 Min Cap
“Death by Open” –
10 min EMOM
Min 1:
4 DB Snatch 50/35
4 Box Jump Over 24/20
Min 2:
5 DB Snatch 50/35
5 Box Jump Over 24/20
Min 3:
6 DB Snatch 50/35
6 Box Jump Over 24/20
Min 4:
7 DB Snatch 50/35
7 Box Jump Over 24/20
and so on….. Until you can no longer complete the reps required inside the minute. If and when you fail cut the reps in half and continue working for the remainder of the 10 mins.
*Increase by 1 rep for each movement each minute *when you fail, cut reps in half and continue working for remaining time
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Week “A” Heavy
Thursday: Shoulders:
1)Seated Alternating DB Shoulder Press 5×5
2)Giant Set: 3×8-12
DB Bent Over Rear Raises
DB Lateral Raises
DB Front Raises
3)Super Set: 4×8-12
Seated DB Shoulder Press
Seated DB Lateral Raises
4)Giant Set: 3×8-12
Cable Single Arm Lateral Raises
Cable Single Arm Front Raise
Cable Single Arm Rear Extension
5)Giant Set: 3×8-12
Car Drivers
Up Right Rows
Cable High Row (face pulls w/rope or individual handles)
6)Super Set: 4×8-12
Seated DB Arnold Press
Seated DB Bent Over Rear Raises
7)Finisher: 1xME Drop Set
Front DB Raises
Later DB Raises
Ladies Hour:
Warm Up: 6 Mins
3 Rounds
X-Band Walk
Down and Back Lunges
12 Air Squats
Strength: 5 Mins
4 Rounds = 5 mins
20 Sec Slow Bicycle Crunches
20 Sec Oblique Plank Rotation
20 Sec Penguins aka Heel Taps
20 Sec Rest
Metcon: 20 Min Cap
30 Ring Rows
400m Row
20 Plate Sit Ups
400m Row
20 Plate Sit Ups
400m Row
30 Ring Rows