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Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 10 Mins
Coach lead dynamic warm up:
(all done E to W down and back inside the gym)
Jog down and back Side
Shuffle with arm swing down and back
Skip down,
Skip backwards back High kicks down,
Alternating Lateral lunge back Quad Stretch & Reach down,
Hamstring scoops back High knees down,
Butt kicks back
30 second active bar hang
7 scap pull ups
10 kip swings
5 strict pull ups (or 3 jumping negative pull ups)
Strength: 5 Mins
4 Rounds = 5 mins
20 Sec Slow Bicycle Crunches
20 Sec Oblique Plank Rotation
20 Sec Penguins aka Heel Taps
20 Sec Rest
Metcon: 25 Min Cap
“Daniel” For Time:
50 Pull Up
400m Run
21 Thruster 95/65
800m Run
21 Thruster
400m Run
50 Pull Up
Functional Bodybuilding Class
A WEEK: Heavy week
Tuesday: Back and Tricep:
1)Negative Strict Pull Ups with a 5 second negative phase 5×5
2)Giant Set: 3×8-12 pyramiding
Lat Pulldowns
Tricep Extension w/rope
Straight Bar Lat Press Down
3)Super Set:
Narrow Grip Seated Cable Row
Tricep Straight Bar Over hand/Under Hand
4)Super Set: 3×8-12 pyramiding
Bent Over Barbell Row
DB Tricep Kick Backs
DB Incline Bench Seal Row
5)Finisher: 3xME 5 Sec Concentric/Eccentric
Single Arm Seated Row
6)Giant Set: Ticep Finisher 2xME
EZ Bar Pull Overs
EZ Bar Skull Crushers
EZ Bar Close Grip Bench Press
Ladies Hour:
Warm Up: 6 Mins
3 Rounds
X-Band Walk
Air Squats
Strength: 8 Min Cap
4 Rounds
Single Leg Wall Glute Bridge
30 Sec Banded Leg Pull A Parts
30 Sec Banded ButterFly Pull A Parts
30 Sec Banded Knee Pull A Parts
30 Sec Rest
Metcon: 18 Mins
3 Rounds No Rotating
Tabata 45/15
Left Bench Curtsy Lunges
Left Single Leg Wall Glute Bridge
Right Bench Curtsy Lunges
Right Single Leg Wall Glute Bridge