Merry Christmas Hooligans! Santa Claus is bringing gains this Christmas Eve!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 6 Mins
6:00 Circuit:
200 M Row
20 Banded Curls
20 Banded Tricep Extensions
Home WOD: 18 Mins
Welcome to the North Swole!!!
4 Rounds
7 BarBELL Curtis Ps (95/65) – Video – Or 4 / Side DB or KB curtis ps
7 / Side KettleBELL or DB Snatch (53/35)
M.E Pull Ups Or renegade rows (rounds 1&3) / Alt. DumbBELL Curls (rounds 2&4)
2:00 Rest Between Rounds
Metcon: 18 Mins
Welcome to the North Swole!!!
4 Rounds
7 BarBELL Curtis Ps (95/65) – Video
7 / Side KettleBELL Snatch (53/35)
M.E Pull Ups (rounds 1&3) / Alt. DumbBELL Curls (rounds 2&4)
2:00 Rest Between Rounds
*Try and complete the 7 curtis p’s and 7 kb snatches around 1:30. In the remaining time you will perform as many reps as possible of pull ups on the first and third rounds. On the second and fourth rounds perform as many QUALITY reps of alternating db bicep curls as possible.