Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 8 Mins
2 min row
2 rounds:
20 banded pull aparts
10 Strict knee raise
8/ side DB single arm strict
10 BB push press
Strength: 20 Min Cap
4 Mins To Warm Up To First Working Weight
8 Mins
3×5 Push Jerk in Split @ 70, 75 & 80% of Strict press 1RM Split jerk the bar overhead, then perform 5 Push presses from the front rack while your feet remain in the “split catch” position. This should not be for a max load.
8 mins
3×3 at 75, 80 & 85%
Complex 1 Jerk Drive + 1 Split Jerk w/ 2 Second Pause in Receiving Position = 1 Rep
Metcon: 15 Min
3 Rounds – Every 5 min
500 m Row
20 Sit ups
10 Devils press (50/35)
*Rest until 5:00 clock
*Cap row to 2 min
Olympic Lifting
Warm Up: 8 Mins
Coach Lead
Technique: 15 Mins
3 x 5 Tall Cleans – Light Weight
3 x 5 High Hang Squat Clean – Moderate
3 x 5 Hang Squat Clean – 75-80%
Strength: 20 Mins
4 sets of 2 unbroken complexes:
1 Complex = 1 High Hang Squat Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Squat Clean + 1 Split Jerk
*Build in weight each round
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Week “A” Heavy
Wednesday: Legs
1) Heavy Back Squat 5×5 pyramiding
2)Super Set 4×8-12 pyramiding
Narrow Stance Front Squat
RDL 3 Sec Eccentric Phase (light weight)
3)Super Set 3×8-12
Leg Curl (Finish with a 4 set of single leg Max Effort drop set)
Leg Extensions (Finish with a 4 set of single leg ME drop set)
5)Single Leg Hip Press 4×8-12
6)Close Stance Hack Squats 21’s
7 half to bottom reps
7 half to top reps
7 full range reps
7)Finisher 3sets
50’ Weighted Back Rack Walking Lunges
Dive Team
Warm Up: 6 Mins
2 Rounds
X-Band Walk
Lunges down and back
10 Air Squats
10 Sit Ups
Strength: 10 Mins
3 Rounds = 7.5 Mins
30 Secs Figure 8
30 Secs Reverse Crunch
30 Secs Crossover Mountain Climber
30 Secs Straight Leg Hip Lift
30 Sec Rest
Metcon: 20 Min Cap
20 min cap
Shuttle runs
Box Jump
Goblet Squats
*1 shuttle run = Wall To Wall down and back
Crew Team
Warm Up: 6 Mins
Strength: 12 Min Cap
Metcon: 20 Min Cap