It’s here! Our annual 12 Days of Christmas WOD! Don’t be shy this only comes around once a year, we hope to see all of you join in on today’s fun!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up:
3 Rounds
10 Hallow Body Kipping Swings
3 Bear Complex reps with unloaded bar
Metcon: 45 min Cap
This is performed just like the song!
“12 Days of Christmas”
1 Bear Complex 95/65
2 Snatches 95/65
3 Strict Press 95/65
4 Burpees
5 Front Squats 95/65
6 Pull-ups
7 Hang Cleans 95/65
8 Hand Release Push-ups
9 Back Squats 95/65
10 Lat. Bar Jumps
11. V-ups
12 O.H. Squats 95/65
1 bear complex
2 Snatches, 1 bear complex
3 Strict Press, 2 Snatches, 1 bear complex
4 Burpees, 3 Strict Press, 2 Snatches, 1 bear complex
and so on..
Elite Competition Class
1. Running
2 Rounds:
500m Run
Rest 1:00
400m Run
Rest :50
300m Run
Rest :40
200m Run
Rest :30
100m Run
Rest 3:00 between rounds
2. Handstand Push-ups
AMRAP 2:00
Dead-stop Strict Handstand Push-ups (come to a dead-stop with head on ground)
Rest 1:00
AMRAP 2:00
Strict Handstand Push-ups
Rest 1:00
Max Strict Press (95/65)*
*Continuous motion, no pausing overhead or in rack
3. Conditioning
5 Rounds, On the 4:00
15 Toes to Bar
15 Deadlifts (225/155)
15/12 Calorie Assault Bike
4. Midline
5:00 Sand Bag Hold (120/80)
Every break: 20 GHD Sit-Ups